The Provincial Chairman
Zanu Pf Mashonaland West Province
23 January 2025
Dear Cde Mary Mliswa
RE: 2030 Resolution to Extend Term of Office for Cde Mnangagwa.
With reference to the above subject matter which you have discussed on your PCC on Saturday dated 18 January 2025. Further to the agenda Justice Minister Cde Ziyambi Ziyambi was on ZBC news alluding to the fact that people of Mash West have agreed to extend term limit for the President. We the people of MashWest would like to respond to the statement and clear ourselves that we have never been consulted on the matter as party cadres on the grassroots however we were shocked to learn that we are being implicated or included in your decision to extend Presidential Term limit. As the natives of Mashonaland West we advocate for constitutionalism and democracy for the good of our nation at large. The process to ammend constitution is very costly and the reason is also not justified to incur such huge cost for the benefit of President Mnangagwa and his family. We strongly believe in continuity, adherence to the provisions of the constitution which clearely states the term limit for the President. Our economic situation is not in good state as a result people are suffering to extend of not affording basic life style so we cant have a budget for a referendum to decide on President Mnangagwa’s fate whilst there are no essentials in Hospitals and other key services.
We the people of Mashonaland West feel betrayed that we are being included in a decision that we were never consulted on.The purpoted Interdistrict Meetings were conducted without quorum , without representation of a majority of district officials,branch officials as well as cell members.The term extension was railroaded as an instruction from above hence our surprise when his excellency refused to endorse the resolution at conference.Our first secretary was clear that he for the record denied six times too accent to such an arrangement as a constitutionalist .It is on this basis that we call upon the agenda to be abolished as it has got no benefit the people of Zimbabwe at large.We speak for the abused and silent majority .
I hope our plea to refrain from making decisions on behalf of Mash West should be condemned especially when we are not consulted.Aluta Continua✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿.
Your Faithfully
Mash West Cadres
CC: Zanu Pf National Chairman.
CC: Mash West Member’s of Parliament.