Beating Up Children Is Satanic and Causes Violence – Teachers

Zimbabwe has become divided on corporal punishment with many teachers ruling it it out as Satanic and a practice that creates a culture of violence in the community.
But other parents and educationists say the recent ban on corporal punishment exposes children to unbecoming behaviour as they ride on the legal cover.

Report by the Standard

Recently, High Court judge, Justice Esther Muremba ruled that it was unconstitutional, and therefore illegal, to use corporal punishment on children. She was making reference to a case of a 15-year-old boy who had been found guilty of sexually molesting a 14-year-old female neighbour and had been sentenced to canning.
Justice Muremba ruled that the new constitution had no room for the “cruel” act which has been described by international humanitarian organisations as barbaric and ancient.
But educationists and some parents feel that the law took away from them the ability to shape their children into good responsible citizens.
“This is so wrong. Even the Bible says ‘spare the rod and you spoil the child’,” said Belinda Musa from Belvedere.
Although all of her children are grown up, Musa says she always used the rod if it was necessary and she is quite happy with what became of her children.
“Dialogue is for a certain age group but when they are too young the rod will fix it and as they grow up they will learn the dos and don’ts,” she said.
A vendor along Seke Road in Harare said if teachers could no longer discipline children, performance grades would slump.
“Our children need that kind of correction and if teachers are not permitted to use a bit of force, the children will not work hard,” she said.
An exploratory study of corporal punishment by Teachers in Zimbabwean Schools titled Issues and Challenges and written by Almon Shumba, Amasa Philip Ndofirepi, and Martin Musengi, says teachers play an important role as educators and disciplinarians.
“To assume their responsibilities, teachers sometimes resort to the use of physical punishment,” the authors observed.
This however is in sharp contrast with international laws on child protection, posing a great challenge to teachers.
Legal expert Alex Magaisa said Zimbabwe was signatory to most of the international laws that do not allow corporal punishment.
“In the old constitution corporal punishment was allowed as an exception but did not have the same protection that is offered by the new provision in the new constitution which is now an absolute right,” he said.
Teachers’ unions are however divided on the ruling with some advocating for the ban while others want it rescinded.
Zimbabwe Teachers’ Association chief executive officer Sifiso Ndlovu said corporal punishment perpetuated a culture of violence.
He called on teachers to instead resort to alternative disciplinary measures which were not degrading.
However, the Progressive Teachers’ Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) has called for the revoking of the law.
In a petition to President Robert Mugabe, PTUZ secretary general Raymond Majongwe charged that “outright removal of corporal punishment from schools will definitely turn them into jungles”.
“We don’t support the battering of learners but we’re saying keeping corporal punishment hanging in schools, at times without even applying it, has helped to maintain some measure of discipline,” part of the letter read.
The use of physical punishment to chastise wayward children is mostly used by those parents who subscribed to the notion that the act would mould the young men and women into better citizens.
Section 53 of the constitution however states that, “no person may be subjected to physical or psychological torture or to cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment”.
Section 86 (3)(c) states that no law may limit the following rights enshrined in this chapter and no person may violate them, the right not to be tortured or subjected to cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment. – Standard

IN PICTURES: Mutoko Dodgy Toilet Building Finally Demolished

Business almost came to a standstill at Mutoko Growth Point as venders jostled to witness a council grader which moved to demolish an “illegal structure.”
This happened late afternoon Friday. (continue reading)
[gallery size=”tb_large” ids=”131107,131106,131104,131105,131103,131102″
The structure(building), which is near completion used to serve Mutoko bus terminus as the councils public toilets.
Former senator Jacob and a Mr Mushonga, a politician as well are said to have entered into a fraudulent deal with officials of Mutoko Rural District Council to turn the disused toilet building into “corner shops” at a time the community or terminus does not have proper public toilets. It was during the intervention of the council’s Chief Security Officer a Mr Ganyiwa, that the grader’s operator drove away from the crowd.
Mutoko RDC executive has been mostly criticised for maladministration, haphazard stand allocation and poor service delivery at the expense of rate payers.
The building was finally razed to the ground at around 1500hrs Saturday (pic).

I Can Smell My Own Flesh Rotting Inside Me But I Will Not Go to Hospital

“I would rather sit at home and wait to die in pain from these chronic headaches as I cannot afford medical fees that Mpilo Central Hospital is demanding. I would rather save for a decent burial.”
These are the heart-rending words of 56-year-old Ms Zondie Moyo of Lobengula in Bulawayo who for the past two years has been failing to secure at least $500 that is needed for a CT scan. She has perennial headaches and pus oozes from her nose as the pain intensifies.
Ms Moyo’s problems started in 2013 when she developed a headache and she assumed it would soon fade away. “I started getting serious headaches in 2013 and I dismissed them as just normal headaches but I realised they were getting worse each day. I tried getting tablets for pain but the situation didn’t change,” said Ms Moyo.
“As time moved when the headaches would come they would be accompanied by pus oozing out of my nose and I visited the hospital where I was told to go for an X-ray of the head.”
Ms Moyo then went to Mpilo Central Hospital where she was told she needed to do a CT scan of the head so as to ascertain the cause of the headaches and the pus. She was told that the scan would cost $500.
Ms Moyo told the Sunday News that her condition was tantamount to torture as she could smell rotten meat with every breath.
“Right now the smell inside my mouth and nose is that of rotten meat. I can taste it in my mouth and I always want to vomit because the smell is so awful. It is then accompanied by thick pus that flows out, something inside my head is rotting and I am worried,” she said.
Ms Moyo said one of her neighbours never used to understand her condition until one day she called her to see for herself.
“I asked my neighbour if she was strong enough to take a look at the pus that comes out of my nose and she agreed. After seeing everything she was then convinced that I have a serious problem that needs attention,” she said.
She said people seldom understand when she tells them she has pus oozing out of her nose when she is attacked by a chronic headache. She said it was especially worse when she swallowed the pus that flowed into her throat.
“It is so nauseating when I swallow it. I once decided to start taking umdombo (snuff) so that my nose would run and the pus flows out but this hasn’t worked at all,” she said.
To add on to Ms Moyo’s problems is the fact that no one is employed at her home.
“No one is employed here, some of my children stay here and they do not work so it is difficult to feed them, again my husband died over 20 years ago so no one can assist me. I also stay with my daughter-in-law who has a young baby,” she said.
She said it was very difficult to put food on the table or even purchase medicines. Ms Moyo has over the months been trying to nurse some fruit trees and sell them to eke out a living. She also said she was hoping to get cow hides for resale.
“I asked someone who stays at Fatima Mission to collect some cow hides for me so that I can sell them. I hear the market is there so I am hoping I will get some so that I can feed the family and also buy medicines,” she said.
A part of Ms Moyo femininity has been robbed from her as she cannot do the duties usually performed by a mother.
“I cannot bend on the sink and wash dishes, clothes or even clean the house because my head aches all the time and when I bend it just gets worse. When I do get the strength, I sit on the floor and wash dishes and ask my daughter-in-law to finish off,” she sobbed.
The challenge faced by Ms Moyo is not unique to her alone as thousands of people in the city are failing to access health care due to the unavailability and also high costs of services. Most health services are beyond the reach of the average person, making several people resorting to living with their untreated chronic illnesses.
Services such as kidney dialysis, CT scanning, chemotherapy just to name a few, are very expensive for many people coupled with the fact that a majority of the citizens are not on medical aid meaning that they have to pay cash for services.
In Bulawayo CT scans are available in private practices at high costs with some going for as much $1 000. Many Government hospitals have obsolete machinery that is supposed to service the general public at a subsidised cost.
“Right now I can safely wait for death because I have no clue when I will be able to do a scan to ascertain the problem. I thought I could negotiate for treatment then I pay later but this has failed,” she lamented.
A local doctor said Ms Moyo might have a type of brain tumor that is cancerous and could be rotting from inside, hence the foul smelling pus that comes out of her nose regularly. sunday news

I Don’t Care About The West – Mugabe

Addis Ababa – Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe on Saturday shrugged off concerns that his appointment as new African Union chair would harm relations between the pan-African bloc and the West.
“What the West will say or do is not my business,” Mugabe told a news conference at the close of two-day African Union summit held in the Ethiopian capital
“My business is to ensure the decisions we take here are implemented. My concern is on uplifting the life of our people, giving them something that will raise their standard of living,” he said.
“For more that 10 years I have been under sanctions, my country has been sanctions. If they want to continue it’s up to them but these sanctions are wrong,” the president said.
“If Europe comes in the spirit to cooperate and not the spirit to control us and control our ways, they will be very welcome,” he added.
Mugabe, Africa’s oldest president at 90, took over the rotating post of African Union chair on Friday, replacing Mauritania’s President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz.
Mugabe, a former liberation war hero who is Africa’s third-longest serving leader, is viewed with deep respect by many on the continent.
But he is also subject to travel bans from both the United States and European Union in protest over political violence and intimidation.
Last year Mugabe boycotted an EU-Africa Summit in Brussels after he was given a rare invitation – but his wife was still denied a visa.
Mugabe also spoke on his attitude towards the empowerment of women.
“We are different,” he told reporters. “There are certain things men can do and that women can’t do. And there are things women can do that men cannot do. You can’t bear babies in your tummy, can you? Even the gay ones cannot.”
“But what we have done in Zimbabwe is that our women can become ministers, judges, farmers, pilots. We have three pilots,” he added.

Sex With Own Girlfriend’s Brother, Man Catches Wife Screaming

A Mberengwa businessman tried to kill himself after he caught his wife in bed with his girlfriend’s brother.
The businessman reportedly attempted suicide by drinking cyanide. The incident happened last Saturday and the businessman, who later recuperated at Mberengwa Hospital operates at Neta Business Centre.
The heartbroken businessman caught his wife busy between the sheets after a tip off from his girlfriend that his wife was having an extra marital affair with her brother.
After being busted, the wife reportedly showed no signs of remorse when she allegedly begged for another session from her boyfriend in the presence of her husband as punishment for sexually starving her.
The wife accused her husband of disturbing her as she was having the best sex of her life.
“For a two-timing man I think it was a bad turn which deserves another when he found his wife in bed with his girlfriend’s brother. From the look of things, it was the small house who tipped him that his wife was going out with her brother.
“The move was probably meant to have him divorce his wife so that she could move in with him as the two are madly in love. After being tipped of his wife’s illicit relationship he quickly rushed home. Upon arrival he could not believe his eyes when he found the lovebirds busy making love on their matrimonial bed.
“In a bid to probably fix her philandering husband, she asked her boyfriend to have another session in the presence of the businessman claiming that he was sexually starving her. This did not go down well with the businessman who quickly took cyanide in a bid to kill himself,” said a source who chose to remain anonymous.
The source further said after the embarrassing incident, the businessman was no longer a common sight at the business centre as his younger brother was now running the show.
After allegedly messing up her marital bliss, the businessman’s wife is believed to have fled to South Africa. b metro

BREAKING NEWS: Mother of Two Emily Munemo Killed in UK

Tragedy struck  the UK based Zimbabwean community on Saturday morning when mother of two Emily Munemo was found murdered at her house in Grays, Essex.
Emily, a devout Christian and catholic, was found dead reportedly from stabbing in her house.
Details were sketchy at the time of writing and mourners are heading to her mother’s house in Surrey.
Emily was a graduate from the prestigious Oxford Brookes University and she and her family had recently moved to a new house.
More to follow….

Simba Mhere Killed in Car Accident

Johannesburg – Television presenter Simbarashe “Simba” Mhere died in a car accident near OR Tambo International Airport on Saturday, the SABC reported.
SABC’s SAfm News reported that the Top Billing presenter was killed in the early hours of the morning.
Lorraine Maisel, from Mhere’s publicity company, paid tribute to 31-year-old Mhere, Sapa reported.
“He was going places. I saw him on Thursday… Simba was a gentle, kind and loving person,” Maisel told the broadcaster.
According to his profile on the Top Billing website, Mhere was born in Zimbabwe and moved to Johannesburg as a baby. He attended Randpark High School and studied at the University of Johannesburg. He won the Top Billing Presenter Search in 2010.
Breaking news: Simba Mhere died in a car accident in the early hours of this morning in Johannesburg. #SABCnews
— SAfm news (@SAfmnews)

FIFA Assesses Zimbabwe Situation

World football governing body Fifa is “assessing” the situation in Zimbabwe following recent threats by the Government to dissolve the Zimbabwe Football Association (Zifa) board led by the embattled president Cuthbert Dube.
On Wednesday, deputy Sports minister Tabeth Kanengoni-Malinga told parliamentarians that Government was on the verge of sacking Dube and his entire executive and risk the full wrath of Fifa.
Fifa outlaws external interference in the affairs of its affiliate members, and such action attracts a ban for at least five years.
“We are not happy with Zifa and what is happening there,” Kanengoni-Malinga told the august House.
“Fifa is saying we must not interfere in football matters or we risk being suspended. Government is saying if it is suspension let us be suspended.  We are going to remove the people who are ruining our football.”
Kanengoni-Malinga continued her onslaught against Dube on Thursday when she reiterated her threats, saying Dube’s sacking was imminent.
Fifa were not giving much away when contacted by the Daily News yesterday.
“Fifa is in contact with Zifa to assess the situation. We have no further comment at this stage,” a Fifa spokesperson told the Daily News yesterday.
In the event that the government goes ahead and disbands the current Zifa board, Fifa will ban the country from all forms of international football.
Article 13, par. 1 and article 17, par. 1 of the Fifa Statutes obliges member associations to manage their affairs independently and with no influence from third parties. The suspension will only be removed once the elected board is reinstated.
During the period of suspension, Zifa may not be represented in any regional, continental or international competitions, including at club level, or in friendly matches.
In addition, neither Zifa nor any of its members or officials may benefit from any Fifa or Caf development programmes, courses or training during the suspension period.
However, according to Kanengoni-Malinga, it would be necessary for Zimbabwe to go under such isolation while rebuilding.
“We can be suspended by Fifa, but we would have done the right thing and we shall do that too and we are going to see changes in our football,” she said.
Dube, who is serving his second term after re-election in March last year, has been accused of failing to act after Zifa’s debt ballooned from $700 000 to $6 million during his time in office.
Zimbabwe’s national team has failed to qualify for three successive Africa Cup of Nations finals and the 2014 Fifa World Cup during Dube’s reign. – DailyNews

Former MDC Spokesman Joins ZANU PF

Harare Times : Former Welshman Ncube led MDC Youth Spokesperson Khumbulani Malinga is one of the MDC members who recently joined ZANU PF. He joined ZANU PF last Sunday at Davies Hall were Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko was addressing party supporters.
The Harare Times had a telephonic interview with Mr Malinga and below is the unedited version of the interview.
HT: Mr Malinga, why did you leave the MDC ?
KM: There are number of reasons that led me to leave the MDC train but i will restrict myself to two.
I left the MDC after realizing that the Party did not fully pursue the fundamentals of democracy that it claimed to pursue. You will reckon for example how cadres were accused tried and sentenced in their absence during the post election witch-hunt. I can cite a lot of examples.
The other reason is that like any other relationship when its irreparable you cant force it.
I realised that the party was reneging from its pursuit of a free and just zimbabwe but was full of pretenders to the throne whose only pre occupation was using the name of the people for self satisfaction and personal aggrandizement.
Q. Why did you join zanu pf?
A. After a close interaction with Cdes in Zanu PF Youth like Cde Leo Nyoni and Bright Matonga I realized that inunu esihlala sisethuselwa ngayo is indeed a fairy tail. I realized that my vision for myself and this country resonate with the aspirations of ZANU PF. I realized that the economic turnaround is at the heart of the party and they have practical solutions that they are progressively implementing.
As a Nationalist myself who wants to have a positive role to play in the development of this country i realized that i am better of in the revolutionary and ruling party than spending my energy away opposing for the sake of opposing as is the nature and culture of MDCs.
Q. People say Dr Qhubani Moyo recruited you to ZANU PF is it true?
A. Hahaha my brother in Ndebele we say lapho okulokufa kulomthakathi (where there is death there is witchcraft). People do not want to accept things as they are they look for conspiracy everywhere.
As i said earlier my close interaction with cdes in ZANU PF and my desire to positively contribute in national development made me to join the Revolutionary and Ruling Party.
May I hasten to say Dr Moyo is a brother to me and an inspiration with the Great works he has done for young people and he is among a few other brothers I consult on a number of social and political direction.
Q. Do you want to contest elections under a ZANU PF Ticket in future?
A. You see my brother what i have learnt in ZANU PF is the cardinal rule of discipline and Cadre deployment.
I will accept any corner that the Party feels i can effectively contribute for the greater good of the Movement and the country.
Q. On a parting shot what are your views on the purging and looming split of ZANU PF
A. The Party has officials mandated to pronounce Party Position.
Q. Thank for your time Cde Malinga
A. Thank you for having me.

Mugabe Buys Muchinguri An Expensive Mansion in Harare

LETTERS-strip-forum-red-strip-text-formatted3Dear Editor.
President Mugabe sold a house to Oppah Muchinguri for $1 in 1985. The house transfer was gazetted in the Herald where its value was also declared. The mansion is in Quorn Avenue, Mount Pleasant. I do not know the reason why President Mugabe did this but this may show that the stories that Grace Mugabe is kicking her feet at her husband for including Oppah’s daughter in his will are true.

Jane K,

Obert Mpofu’s Multi-Million Dollar Building Condemned for Demolition

Zimbabwe Transport Minister, Obert Mpofu’s multi-million Dollar building at the corner of 4th Avenue and George Silundika street in Bulawayo, has been condemned and ordered to be demolished, as the structure was fast tracked without architectural approval.

Sources close to the Minister’s management at York House, one of his buildings which was acquired through indigenisation program, told on condition of anonymity that the legislator constructed his building without approval from the local government, and that inspectors from the local authority passed a judgement on demolishing the illegally built structure.
According to sources in the council who also refused to be named, the construction of this structure was done before full inspection. The building was also fast tracked without the approval of the relevant authorities, thereby causing the current deadlock.
Efforts to get comment, from the legislator, who is also the proprietor, were fruitless as he was not picking his mobile. Bulawayo City Council’s Public Relations section that is responsible for clearance on matters to deal with the engineering department kept delaying and referring all questions to the same department.
The three storey building’s progress has since been put to a halt and also awaiting demolishing to reconstruct after necessary inspection will complete. The Ministry of construction and public housing’s official who refused to be named for fear of victimisation, asked this journalist to forward all questions in writing and also to wait for a response.

I Am Not Afraid Of Anyone – Mutasa

FORMER Zanu PF secretary for administration Didymus Mutasa has said he is ready to appear before a disciplinary committee set to deal with his case, cheekily equating his impending disciplinary hearing to ones he attended to during the colonial era.
Zanu PF has set up a disciplinary hearing to deal with Mutasa’s open rebellion, but the former Presidential Affairs minister said he remained unfazed.
“I will attend the hearing,” he said.
“I attended many like it under the (former Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian) Smith regime.”
Despite the bravado, the committee is made up of people who have openly called for Mutasa’s ouster, among them First Lady Grace Mugabe and political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere.
Mutasa could not be drawn to comment on the composition of the committee, reiterating that he would attend and he was not afraid.
He said he was not aware of warning made against him by National Youth Service graduates popularly known as Border Gezi, who threatened unspecified action against Mutasa for posing a risk to the revolution and to grab farms he reportedly gave to his lovers.
“I have not seen any threats from Border Gezi youths, whatever they are,” Mutasa said.
“I will cross that bridge when I come to it.”
Mutasa was non-committal on when he would launch his much-anticipated court challenge seeking the nullification of Zanu PF’s congress last month.
Despite losing his ministerial post and his lofty Zanu PF position, Mutasa insists he is the bona fide secretary for administration, but President Robert Mugabe has dismissed him as a “stray donkey”.
Mutasa is one of a number of Zanu PF officials who were accused of plotting to kill Mugabe, leading to their ouster from the party and the government.
The former secretary for administration has written to Sadc leaders to intervene in the party’s affairs, a request Mugabe rejected outright.
Former Zanu PF spokesman Rugare Gumbo, however, dismissed the disciplinary committee, describing it as illegal.
“As far as we are concerned and as far as he (Mutasa) is concerned, the so-called team is illegal and he does not recognise the congress that took place in December,” he said.
“His (Mutasa’s) position is very clear that he doesn’t recognise the congress because it was done illegally and there is little they can do.
“That will remain his position until things are rectified.”
Gumbo questioned the composition of the committee, saying it was made up of people who had openly declared war on Mutasa.
“Chinamasa has made his position known on Mutasa and regards him as an enemy,” he said.
“He has his position already.
“There is also Grace Mugabe who is the president’s wife and how can Mutasa be tried by the president’s wife?
“Kasukuwere has made public statements against Mutasa and it doesn’t work.”
Gumbo said they will soon launch the court challenge, although he, like Mutasa, did not reveal when this would be done. – SouthernEye

Mnangagwa’s Wife A CIO Operative

Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s wife was a CIO operative, it has emerged. A State Media report states she worked as a CIO operative from around 1990.
Zanu-PF candidate for Chirumanzu-Zibagwe Constituency Auxilia Mnangagwa has called for the relaxation of investment laws to allow more Foreign Direct Investment. In an interview, Mnangagwa who is wife to Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa, said the relaxation of the investment laws was meant to boost investor confidence.
She said there was also need for Government to clarify some indigenisation laws that have been distorted by the country’s detractors.
“Our country is rich in terms of mineral resources and as such we need to ensure that we attract friendly countries to come and invest in the country. They bring machinery and expertise to facilitate beneficiation. Our laws need to be relaxed so that investors understand that our laws don’t undermine their investment,” said Mnangagwa.
She said despite being adversely affected by the illegal sanctions imposed by the West, she managed to set up a community bank to cater for rural women in Chirumanzu-Zibagwe constituency.
Mngangagwa said she was not new in politics as she had worked at grassroots level where she empowered rural communities in Chirumanzu, Gokwe and Silobela.
Born on March 25, 1963 in Mazowe District in Mashonaland Central, Mnangagwa grew up in Chiweshe near Rosa Business Centre where she attained both primary and secondary education.
She later undertook secretarial studies at Silveira House in Chishawasha before joining the Ministry of Manpower and Development then headed by late national hero Edgar Tekere in 1981.
Eleven years later, Mnangagwa joined the then Prime Minister’s office before being seconded to the then Sheraton Hotel as a security officer. In 1997, she resigned from the Central Intelligence Organisation with the intention of going into the tourism sector.
She enrolled at the University of Zimbabwe in 1997 after being accepted to undertake studies in environment and tourism studies but left the institution in 1999 due to political instability. She left the country in order to pursue her studies in Hotel and Tourism Administration in Switzerland where she graduated with a degree in 2001.
Upon her return, she went into the tourism sector as a private player and also worked within the structures of Zanu-PF in Kwekwe in the finance department.
“I have always wanted to play an active role in the politics of my country. You may recall that not so long ago, I submitted my name to represent my party in Mazowe Central where I was born, but was denied the chance when my papers were rejected by the Zanu-PF Mashonaland Central Provincial Coordinating Committee on grounds that I did not understand,” Mnangagwa said.
She said even after that setback, she did not despair but decided to work with her husband with the people of Kwekwe, Zhombe, Silobela and Chirumanzu.
In 2009, she won her way into the party’s Central Committee and again submitted her name last year where she also emerged victorious.
“What has been happening is that I have been working with my husband in Gokwe, Mberengwa and Chirumanzu and we initiated a number of programmes to empower the communities there.
“So my intention is to carry on with these programmes and ensure that I mobilise more votes for Zanu PF.”
She said she was instrumental in the setting up of a community bank in Chirumanzu in 2010 called the Cheese Bank.
Mnangagwa said the party needed to undertake a serious mobilisation exercise to ensure that all potential voters are registered.
She expressed gratitude to Zanu-PF supporters for electing her to represent the party in the Chirumanzu-Zibagwe by-election scheduled for March 27 this year.
President Mugabe recently ordered that new elections be held for Mt Darwin West and Chirimanzu-Zibagwe constituencies after they fell vacant.
The Mt Darwin West Constituency fell vacant following the removal from Government of former Vice President Joice Mujuru, while National Assembly Member for Chirumanzu-Zibagwe Emmerson Mnangagwa was elevated to the position of Vice President of Zimbabwe. herald

Flamboyant VP Mphoko Blows $18,000.00 on Hotel Room

It seems like there is more in store for the Zimbabwean community as drama continues to unfold through the conduct of the newly-elected Vice President of Zimabwe, Phelekezela Mphoko. The same man has been labeled by some media outlets as “out of touch” with the ordinary people. That was after he poured scorn on poor urban street vendors that he described as lazy and without any better ideas for success.Phelekezela-Mphoko
Acting like he has been a homeless person before assuming government office, the VP has been housed in a hotel as he awaits an official place that he can call home. So far his bill has gulped more than US$18 800 just on hotel accommodation in a lengthy stay at the Rainbow Towers Hotel in Harare which began mid-December.
Government sources said that the cost of funding the former diplomat’s continued stay in one of the hotel’s luxurious suites which costs a maximum of US$400 a night could go much higher as government continues to scout for a new House that befits the taste of a fastidious Mphoko.
Through his swanky preferences for high class needs in his life, he has already rejected a US43 million house on the grounds that it is too cheap and does not have enough space for him and family.  Other analysts believe that he could have been humble and mature enough to look out through the social window and act as a mature father to the nation. Instead, he goes after luxury.  This is at a critical time in Zimbabwe when every amenity needs a re-touch, when civil servants’ salaries are a big challenge to the national fiscus and many other things are in shambles.

United Nations Boss Tells Mugabe, Kabila to Leave Office

The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon Friday took a direct swipe at President Robert Mugabe and DRCongo President Joseph Kabila saying they should leave office as their tenure expires.
Speaking at the official launch of the African Union summit where Mugabe was surprisingly announced chairman, Ki Moon urged African leaders to respect term limits and leave office when their time runs out, adding they should also accept defeat in elections.
He said, “I urge leaders who refuse to leave office when their term expires to please listen to the wishes and aspirations of your people….”
He continued saying that Africa needs to do more to rid the continent of the scourge of violence that he says continues to affect women and girls. He emphasised the need for the continent to empower women adding that ignoring women and their rights can only lead to the downfall of a nation.
This month saw the DRC President Joseph Kabila unilaterally seek to impose a draft law that will delay the 2016 presidential election and enable President Kabila to extend his stay in power beyond his current mandate. This also came at a time when his counterpart Mugabe torpedoed his way in his ZANU PF party by altering the constitution and also ousting successor in the wait Joice Mujuru and several officials accused of siding with the latter, a move analysts say is strategic to extend his reign. He is currently involved in a legal wrangle with bigwigs the likes of Didymus Mutasa who are suing him for the said “sham 2014 congress.”

BREAKING NEWS: Riot Police Storm Into Chinhoyi Over Dodgy Cops’ Taxi Businesses Which Have Robbed Kombis

Chinhoyi – There was chaos in Chinhoyi when Riot Police troops stormed into town to quell a protest caused by dodgy Police owned private transport businesses which have robbed kombi operators of their clients.
The kombi drivers launched their strike yesterday threatening to stop operations in protest over the Police Officers’ illegal activities which has disabled the trade as the ZRP officers are thriving utilising ex-Japanese vehicles to transport passengers. School children and workers at Chikonohono were delayed for hours due to the strike.
Police officers who are untouchable have “fattened themselves” of the illegal pickings as they transport people without licences sometimes even operating vehicles without number plates – (PICTURES).
Violence erupted when Kombi drivers and Hwindis began beating up any Kombi operator ignoring the strike action.

Order only resumed after two hours when riot police descended on the area around 9am when they began dispersing the kombi operators.
Commenting on the development, Indigenous Commuter Operators Association of Zimbabwe President Moses Mutyasira voiced concern over the development saying, “ as the Indigenous Commutter Operators Association of Zimbabwe (ICOAZ), we call for order in the transport industry and condemn in the strongest terms the attempts by police officers to push legal kombi operators out of business through their illegal vans which operate without the required papers.

“While we understand the plight of police officers and the widespread hunger caused by the heartless Mugabe regime,we call upon them to comply with the law and leave our legal operators to do their business. Our icoaz team will be visiting Chinhoyi tomorrow to follow up on reports sent to us.

Bananas for School Fees

Mother carries bananas for sustenance

“…for ordinary Zimbabweans January 2015 is harder than ever, particularly for parents trying to get their children back into school and meet the new punitive requirements. Children attending junior school for the first time are no longer allowed…  CONTINUE READING:
Dear Family and Friends,
It’s the time of year when the chameleons are h-h-hesitating across the roads; when thin, agile, sports-model snakes slither at break neck speed up the trees and snatch fledgling birds from their nests and when the grass grows lush and thick and soft under your feet.
For much of 2014 we all kept saying that everything was six weeks late: the start of winter, the end of the Musasa pods and then the start of the rains. Male Weaver birds whose nests are normally subject to much critical scrutiny by their mates, have been even more frenetic than usual in the last few weeks. Three or four times they’ve made,
moved in, shredded and re-made their nests while the flame lilies are only now in full bloom as nature’s late pattern continues into 2015.
The confusions in nature are being mimicked by the state of everything else in Zimbabwe. Since what’s been called the tsunami in Zanu PF before Christmas, the country came to a grinding halt. No one seems to know what’s going on: which MP’s are still MP’s, who’s expelled, who’s on the run, who’s in favour or who’s in disgrace
in the ruling party. As has been the case countless times in the past 15 years, Zimbabwe is again completely paralyzed while the country’s leaders fight for their own political survival and positions of power.
Meanwhile for ordinary Zimbabweans January 2015 is harder than ever, particularly for parents trying to get their children back into school and meet the new punitive requirements. Children attending junior school for the first time are no longer allowed to buy their own school uniforms or shoes from affordable sources, now they are forced to buy them from the school. The same goes for their exercise books and other classroom equipment they require: all must be bought only from the school and the costs are included in the school fees.
First timers to junior school have to pay US$190 for the first term while new intake senior school children have to pay US$220 to be allowed in. The new regulation forcing parents to buy uniforms, shoes, books and equipment from the school only has, in a single move, eradicated free choice and fair competition. Thousands of men and
women who made school uniforms for a living are now out business. Thousands who bulk buy exercise books to resell to school children are now out of business and hundreds of thousands of parents who until now
had free choice and bought what they could afford and where they could afford it are prisoners to the new regulation. If they don’t pay their children don’t go to school.
To put this burden in perspective, the cheapest rent for two rooms in a high density suburb is US $100 a month. On top of that are the costs for water, electricity, food, transport, clothes, medicines and school fees. With 90% unemployment and low income workers taking home around US$ 200-250 a month, meeting the school fees is impossible. I don’t know how to put any of this into perspective for hundreds of thousands of Mums and Dads who sell airtime, fruit and vegetables on the road sides; how many thousands of bananas must a man have to sell to put
one of his children into school this January?
To end on a positive note: a few years ago when inflation was in the thousands, a friend helped a man pay his daughter’s A level fees. This week the Good Samaritan heard that the girl is now a university graduate. This is how Zimbabweans are surviving, helping each other when we can. Until next time, thanks for reading this letter and
supporting my books, love cathy. 30th January 2015. Copyright © Cathy
Buckle. <
For information on my new book: “MILLIONS, BILLIONS, TRILLIONS,” or its predecessor: “CAN YOU HEAR THE DRUMS,” my other books about Zimbabwe: “Innocent Victims,” “African Tears,” “Beyond Tears” and “IMIRE,” or to subscribe/unsubscribe to this letter, please visit my website or contact [email protected] mailto:[email protected]>

BREAKTHROUGH for Mugabe as he Becomes African Union Chairman

Addis Ababa – Barely 24 hours after stiff resistance from numerous African Presidents(READ MORE –) , Zimbabwe’s Head Of States Robert Mugabe, has been made African Union Chairperson.
This was confirmed Friday morning by officials as Mugabe readied to ascend the podium.
The development will cast a shadow over the Africa’s international relations with the West, critics warned.
Mugabe took over the post an African Union summit in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa as he made a speech on Friday.

LATEST: Charamba Confirms Mugabe Rejected By Several African Presidents

Presidential Spokesperson George Chararamba has confirmed Robert Mugabe has been rejected by several African presidents as earlier revealed by (READ MORE- Sick Mugabe set to be Blocked from taking African Union Top Job.)
In an interview with the State Media, Charamba indicated Zimbabwe is set to be shocked on Friday when the African Union choice for the chairmanship is to be announced. He blamed the development on western sanctions.
Below was Charamba’s interview with Herald Editor, Caesar Zvayi:
Q: What is the relationship between Zimbabwe, in its campaign and the rest of African member states for this post?
A: The logic of chairmanship of the AU is rotational, what is certain is that the chairmanship has to go to Southern Africa, what is uncertain is which country in Southern Africa is going to take it. What we are fighting for is to make sure that Zimbabwe becomes that country which takes that chairmanship.
So really in terms of regions, the whole campaign was to try and make sure that there is consensus that ecowas endorses us, the East African Community endorses us, sadc endorses us — as indeed it has done — as and then of course the Maghreb region also does the same.
Really given the nature and character of the President I do not see him wanting to be a controversial chairman, in the sense of being a chairman who chairs by minority or by a slim majority. He wants to build that consensual position which, therefore, makes his chairmanship not just solid but also enough to generate a certain momentum which makes it continental, that is basically the intention.
You want to bear in mind that the President has for a long time been complaining about the trajectory of the AU. He thinks that for a long time we have been kowtowing to western interests, he thinks we have been trying as it were bending our policies so as to win the goodwill of the West
He thinks we have not been recognising that by virtue of commanding, maybe three quarters of the world resources that is clout enough, that gives us tremendous leverage in our interaction with the West. What the President visualises is a leadership that recognises the strategic advantage of Africa and then translates that strategic advantage into a leadership bid on the global stage.
So that is basically the change that you will see when the President takes over or if the President takes over, which we hope he will.
Q: We are reliably informed that western countries are trying to shoot down on the basis that Zimbabwe is on sanctions?
A: That exactly is my problem with the West; they don’t interrogate the sense behind the sanctions. They move instead from unilateral sanctions as a fact to trying to make it a precondition for election and I think Africa is understanding enough to know that you can’t start from the premise of an illegality, which is what the sanctions are, we will start from the premise of the leadership that Africa requires to tackle those problems including the sanctions on Zimbabwe. These are not UN sanctions, so no one in the west can have the moral status of starting an argument on sanctions as if the sanctions are legitimate in the first place. But you and me must know that we must always budget for that opposition from the West.
Q: What have we done to counter the western moves?
A: We have done that already, this is why we are optimistic of the result. As before in SADCC they were trying to oppose us and we trounced them, and hey we feel pity for them, they are destined for grief in this matter.
Q: Turning to the ADB, we understand we have some of them in the delegation?
A: Zimbabwe has produced a candidate for sadc and please get me right, this is not a Zimbabwean candidate only, this is a sadc candidate, and essentially what we are trying to do is to provide leadership to that critical bank on the African continent.
We are a member, we have been contributing diligently and we have also drawn from the resources of ADB, and it is only natural that when an opportunity presents itself, we go for it, and we have a well experienced candidate, 36 years of banking experience.
And I hear he also taught the current governor of the Reserve Bank, and he is not just a competent banker, he is also a producer of bankers.

MDC Youth Leader Caught Smuggling Fire Arm

A-33-YEAR-OLD MDC-T activist has been fined US$200 by a Beitbridge magistrate for smuggling a fire arm from South Africa.
Togarepi Zivanayi Mhetu of Harare was arrested on Wednesday aboard a First Class bus travelling from Johannesburg.
Mhetu is the MDC-T youth wing secretary for projects, labour and development in Harare Province.
He pleaded guilty of violating a section of the Customs and Excise Act before Beitbridge resident magistrate Miss Gloria Takundwa.
Mhetu would be jailed for a month if he fails to pay the fine.
The prosecutor Mr Jabulani Mberesi told the court that Mhetu visited South Africa through Beitbridge Border Post on January 26 and did not declare the firearm he was carrying.
He said Mhetu returned on January 28 aboard a First Class bus heading to Harare.
Mhetu had bought equipment for resale in Harare.
He went through all the immigration and customs formalities, but did not declare the Galesi pistol which was in one of his bags.
The fire arm, which was loaded with eight rounds of ammunition was discovered during a routine search of luggage by detectives from the Border Control Unit, resulting in his arrest.
Further searches led to the discovery of a photocopy of the fire arm certificate number 867620A, which expires on August 1, 2017.
It emerged during interrogations that he did not declare the weapon when he visited South Africa.

Confusion Rocks Gwanda as Mentally ill Woman Falls Pregnant at Obert Mpofu’s Building

Gwanda town is engulfed in a wave of confusion as a mentally ill women living on the streets of the town for the last two years has fallen pregnant.
The mentally challenged woman “staying” on the pavement in front of now closed Gwanda Branch of Minister Obert Mpofu owned Allied Bank, is at an advanced staged of pregnancy which could be in its 7th or 8th month, leaving the community confused as to who would have fathered the woman’s baby. The woman known to the Gwanda Community as MaSibanda, has been spending her days and nights in the public area around the bank which has a busy filling station, a public bar which closes very late and a 24 hour restaurant.
When Zimeye News crew approached MaSibanda who speaks with a heavy Zulu accent to enquire about her pregnancy, the somewhat very kind and polite woman could only smile and say she was impregnated by her “sweetheart”. Asked who the “sweetheart” was the woman only laughed and told the news crew that “he will be back shortly he has gone to buy food and beer at the tavern”.
Trying to pursue the matter further, the news crew interviewed the bank’s security personnel who guard the bank on a 24 hour basis and are positioned hardly 10 meters away from where MaSibanda “lives”. The officer on duty would not cooperate with the news crew telling the crew to get away claiming that the news crew was accusing them of “sleeping with a mad woman.” When the crew persisted, the security guard threatened to beat up the reporter if he continued asking him what he called “stupid questions.’
In snap interviews of members of the public passing around the area, the people interviewed expressed anger at the man who may have made the woman pregnant calling on the police to follow up the matter as anyone who may have had sexual intercourse with the woman is tantamount to have raped the woman. Several of those interviewed queried how the woman would have been raped in full view of the security details who spend 24 hours a few meters away from the woman.
“My brother, ask the security guys at the bank they know better about that woman than all of us here,” said a young man drinking beer at the near by pub. “There is no way anyone would have slept with that woman and the security fail to see it she is always there next to them,” added the young man.
Asked for a comment a lady who trades airtime along the same corridor where MaSibanda “stays” said that she was also shocked when she realised that the woman was pregnant and described it as being barbaric of the man who may have slept with the woman.
“We have been with this lady here for more than two years now she is a very kind woman, never violent and always tries to clean herself and her surrounding. I suspect someone took advantage of her being kind yet vulnerable and slept with her. Its very bad for men to do this. I wish the person responsible could be arrested for this barbaric act,” she said.
Another vendor who also operates from the same street vividly threw the blame on people drinking beer at the near by pub. The vendor who claims to be at the corridors for about 14 hours a day said that she always see men from the bar serving the woman food and drink and says the woman frequently walks from her area to the pub to beg for food and drink and that’s where she may have been taken advantage of according to her.
“I am 100% sure she was impregnated by the merciless drunkards from the pub. I have seen a lot of them give her beer and food especially at night and I am confident they may have slept with her in her drunken state,” she said before also calling on the police to investigate the matter.
No comment could immediately be obtained from the police in Gwanda or the department of Social Welfare on how the woman would be assisted. Zimeye will keep a close eye on the matter.

Police Officers Caught Using Bush as Toilet

Villagers at Garanyemba Village in Gwanda have expressed concern at the mess made by police officers manning a nearby permanent road block at a bus stop in the area after the cops were caught numerous times relieving themselves in the open thickets.
In a complaint made available to ZimEye, the villagers complained bitterly on the way their surrounding has been smeared with human waste and other waste by the police officers. According to the villagers, members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police have been manning a road block on the spot for the last five years on a daily basis from 6am to 6pm but no ablution facilities are provided at the road block spot.
The villagers claim that police use the near by bushy area as their toilet to an extent that the area is now heavily infested with human waste. The villagers complain more so because the area where the police relieve themselves is around a path that their children use going to school.
Taken to the scene of the allegations the news crew discovered a huge manifestation of human waste, empty cans and lots of plastic paper left around the roadblock site. What shocked the reporter worse was that amongst the waste disposed of in open were used sanitary pads a serious health risk.
Interviewed for comments, the villagers all expressed a disappointment that the police use the spot as a permanent road block site and not bother to erect even temporary toilet structures. The villagers raised serious health concerns particularly for their children who use the area all the time. They also expressed concern on their livestock particularly their goats which have died after consuming some of the waste particularly the plastic matter.
Efforts were made to enquire on the allegations from the police in Guyu where the said officers are based. The junior officers spoken to refused to comment referring the reporter to Gwanda District police information department as they were not allowed to comment.

Another Baba Jukwa Emerges: Grace In Sex Scandal Furor

A Baba Jukwa style mole has emerged on social networking website Facebook sensationally announcing that President Robert Mugabe’s wife, Grace is not ill at all as earlier claimed by her husband, but is only hibernating from an altercation with her husband over his affair with the late Josiah Tongogara’s girlfriend, Higher Education Minister Oppah Muchinguri.
It is claimed that Mugabe has placed Muchinguri’s daughter as an heir to his estate.
When President Mugabe returned from his annual Asian holiday, he said Grace had been struck by appendicitis and was receiving treatment there. But the whistleblower only identified as “Zimbabweans for Prosperity”, said Grace actually refused to return as a reaction to her husband’s decision to include Oppah Muchinguri’s daughter on his will.
“Grace Mugabe is breathing fire. She is in the Far East not because of an operation . Hell no. She refused to come back until Bob (Robert Mugabe) sorts out this issue with his ‘**ch’. There was war between Grace and Robert. The cause of the war is Oppah,” Zimbabwe for Prosperity said on Facebook.
They further went on to say the protest forced Muchinguri to hurriedly announce last week that she was married to Bishop Anthony Kashiri as to pacify the raging First Lady.
They said being married would not stop Mugabe from having Muchinguri in the same way this was allegedly done when she was married to former husband Tapiwa Rushesha, who has since fled Zimbabwe after dumping her.
“So now she (Muchinguri) has to pretend she is not interested in Robert. She has to go to another man but does it change anything?” Zimbabweans for Prosperity said. During divorce proceedings in court, Rushesha gave adultery with Mugabe as the main reason for leaving Muchinguri. He told the court: “Mugabe often sent his bodyguards to pick up my wife for ‘meetings’ in the middle of the night.”
The full post read:
They call him “Bishop” Antony Kashiri, the new boyfriend (manfriend is the right word here since he is not a boy) of Oppah Muchinguri. The media says “they met in church”. We can imagine what happened on that fateful day. As is the norm, all ZANU(PF) mafia leaders who attend church services are given “high table” seats. So Oppah must have been seated in front, with her mini-skirt on, no bhurugwa in and the “Bishop” could only read from Exodus Chapter 3 verse 6! We have had stories, a lot of them of these “men of clothe”. Actually from today we will call them “men of lust” because they like them women dont they. One Magaya had to bribe a husband to a wife that he (Magaya) spent 3 nights with “receiving holly water”. God of the skies!
So Oppah Muchinguri wants to be “married”. She says dont call me Muchinguri no more for I have a darling. Wow. But then this “Bishop” must have all the power to pray for Oppah’s sins to be forgiven. For she is the one who finished off Josiah Tongogara in the same way Elliot Manyika was finished off after that “accident”. The same way that Edward Chindori Chininga was finished off after the “accident”. We know who did dont we? So the God of Antony Shiri must be different from the God we know, for He would not forgive Satan , never. We wait for the wedding. But then Zimbabweans should be wondering why now. Why is Oppah so desperate to be “married” now. Well, its the whole Mnangagwa matrix. The mafia operates with partners. We know of no mafia who was/is a single. They have to have partners but its more to it. Grace! Hear from us Zimbabweans For Prosperity. Grace is breathing fire, moto chaiwao. She is in “far east” not because of an operation. Hell no. She refused to come back until Bob sorts this issue with his “bitch”. There was war between Grace and Robert. The cause of the war is Oppah. So now she has to pretend she is not interested in Robert. She has to go to another man, but does it change anything? This is what her former husband Tapiwa Rushesha said in court at their divorce “Mugabe often sent his bodyguards to pick up my wife for “meetings” in the middle of the night”. Apart from that Simon Chimbetu was in love with her. She denies, “People say I dated Chimbetu, but where would I have seen him he was not on my level?” Wow, so the Bishop is at your “level” Oppah? And what about the earrings that Matibili bought for you which caused you to fight with Grace at the airport. Is Matibili your “level”? And why are you so desperate to force Matibili to include your child on his will which caused all this fight in the “far east”? A fight between Grace and someone in a hospital bed. Asijiki!

BREAKING NEWS: Sick Mugabe set to be Blocked from taking African Union Top Job

Addis Ababa: Plans to install President Robert Mugabe as the African Union chairperson hit a brick wall Thursday after his appointment was blocked due to ill health, can reveal.
An extraordinary meeting held on in the Ethiopian capital by African heads of State put pressure against Mugabe’s appointment when questions were raised on his ability to represent Africa due to failing health. Continue reading below…
ALSO READ: rejected
Although proposals were made stating that sanctions against Mugabe in person would compromise Africa’s relations with the West, it emerged that the real issue of concern was poor health and failing capacity attributed to old age. His memory problems, and a failing temperament were also cited as cause for concern. This became obvious when the issue of travelling to Europe or the United States was raised with concerns over those nations’ sanctions. Although Mugabe’s negotiators at the meeting intimated that this [sanctions] would not be a problem because he [Mugabe] would be travelling on official business as he has always done standing in for Zimbabwe.
High level sources inside the meeting told, “The President was told he will be a hindrance to Africa’s international image and its negotiation power with the rest of the world.”
“For progress a deputy chair can easily take the job,” other heads of State proposed.
Meanwhile Mugabe’s team coming out of the meeting, began crying foul claiming that the Western governments are pressurising the African states against Mugabe ascention.

VP Wives Taking After Grace Mugabe

Bulawayo — THE wives of Zimbabwe’s recently-installed Vice Presidents have been accused of replicating the First Lady for their appetite for lavish lifestyles at the expense of the bankrupt nation.
First Lady, Grace Mugabe, is unpopular among many in the country for leading an extravagant standard of living including what are said to be expensive shopping trips overseas.
It has emerged the wife of Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko, Laurinda, and Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s wife, Auxilia, are also aiming for such standards amid the country experiencing financial problems.
Mrs Mphoko is said to have recently rejected the US$3 million house which government offered her husband after he assumed office.She is reportedly scouting for a multi-million-dollar upmarket house in Harare’s leafy suburbs.
Mphoko was initially scheduled to move into a government house left vacant by the late Vice-President, Joseph Msika, in Mandara, but his wife allegedly vehemently refused, saying she wanted “a house of their own.”
The sources said Mphoko’s wife went around shopping in Glen Lorne, Borrowdale Brooke and Ballantyne Park, but was not pleased by some of the properties on offer.
She reportedly rejected one in Glen Lorne that was going for $1,5 million, a $3million one in Ballantyne Park as well as a $2 million property.
Mphoko has not yet commented on the allegations.
Mrs Mnangagwa is also on record telling the Bulawayo High Court that her reputation was worth $10 million because, among other things, she is a wife to a career minister.
This is in a lawsuit in which she is suing Zanu PF Midlands chairperson and Provincial Affairs minister Jasion Machaya, former spy Douglas Kanengoni and Masvingo Provincial Affairs minister Kudakwashe Bhasikiti for defamation.
Political parties and commentators hit out at the women’s lavish lifestyles.
MDC Renewal spokesperson, Jacob Mafume, said they were worsening the downfall of Zimbabwe.
“We already have one wife in the name of Grace whose appetite the nation cannot feed,” said Mafume.
“Now it appears we will have three of them. One wonders whether there will be anything left in this country once they are done with primitive accumulation of wealth.”
MDC led by Welshman Ncube’s Secretary for International and External Relations, Kurauone Chiwayi said Mphoko’s wife might be “too excited” with husband’s surprise appointment to the position of Vice President.
“It shows the kind of leaders Zanu PF has,” said Chiwayi.
“President Mugabe’s party is made up of irresponsible and greedy vultures and hyenas. Government has been failing to honour its obligations due to strained resources. Mphoko’s wife demands if that is what she is doing are quite astonishing to all Zimbabweans,” he said.
Former Bulilima East MDC-T MP Norman Mpofu, also lashed at Mphoko.
“Her rejection of the house should be viewed in context with what leadership means in Zimbabwe,” said Mpofu.
“While in a normal democratic set up leaders are supposed to be servants of the people and be humble as a way of being attractive to the electorate, in our situation leaders do not care as the opinion of the electorate is of no consequence since they have other ways of getting into power,” Mpofu added. caj newsafrica

Man Found Dead In Pool Of Blood at Police Station, Cops Dodge Answers

Shurugwi – The investigation into the death of a gold dealer Shurugwi police earlier claimed was an armed robber could see the cops behind bars after they dodged answers before an inquest.
The judicial inquest has unearthed a can of worms that may see two police officers expelled after they gave conflicting evidence in court.
During the hearing, magistrate Tendai Madanhire grilled Shurugwi police station officer in charge, Inspector Regiment Ndlovu, on why a proper search was not conducted on the deceased when he was arrested in connection with a crime that involved use of a firearm.
“It is clear that if the police’s argument of suicide is to be believed, then there was a serious aspect of negligence because every suspect should be thoroughly searched upon arrest especially if it is in connection with an armed robbery case,” said the magistrate.
In response, Ndlovu who has served the force for 22 years, agreed but insisted the deceased took his own life. His subordinate, detective Shepherd Mazhindu, dodged giving direct answers when asked by prosecutor Andrew Marimo if he thought it was possible that a person handcuffed could take a hidden gun from his body, shoot himself in the mouth but die while still holding it.
“I put it to you that if a person shoots themselves, there should be some action which makes the gun to fall away. How is it that the deceased died while still holding it?” the prosecutor asked.
Madanhire blasted the cops saying a police station ought to be a place known for its safety. “Don’t fear anyone. You should emulate me because I only fear God, not a mortal,” said the magistrate.
The inquest was postponed to 11 February when the state will invite a ballistics expert to give evidence. Last year the deceased’s family demanded answers about the death of their son, ruling out the possibility he committed suicide.
ZimEye has exclusively revealed that the dead man police officers claimed committed suicide, after smuggling a gun into the police station, was actually a close friend of the same police officers and real circumstances surrounding his death are not as previously reported.
Mr Simbarashe Muchengeti’s body was photographed handcuffed in a pool of blood last year in March with a gun at his side an incident police officers claimed was a suicide. Officers claimed that he had been on a wanted list for multiple robberies at Ngundu business centre.
But investigations here have revealed that Muchengeti was actually a close friend to the same police officers who presided over his sudden death. Close witnesses here have revealed that contrary to claims that he was on the run, Muchengeti actually regularly frequented the police canteen where though an outsider, he was given preferential access. This reporter was also shown Muchengeti’s house which is a few metres across the road from the police station.
“He was known very well at the police canteen were he frequented being friends of almost all police officers,” the source said. They added that if he was a robber, then the officers were clear accomplices.

The Muchengeti is alleged to have used on himself
In handcuff…..and the gun Simbarashe Muchengeti is alleged to have used on himself.

Furthermore, contrary to claims that he was now under arrest and handcuffed, Muchengeti had not even been arrested or detained and was still being questioned while sitting at the counter when the incident happened sources have revealed.The record book at the station reveals that Muchengeti was not even recorded as being under arrest. “When an individual is still a suspect they are brought in for questioning. He was sitting at the counter in charge office for close to three hours,” one of the close sources said.
They added:
“During that time he went to the toilet twice. It was during the second time that he went and (as was reported) and the incident occurred,” he said.
Muchengeti was wearing a small t-shirt whose size would have exposed the gun making it been visible in his trousers’ pockets. Photographs released by the police officers show the t-shirt could not even stretch down to his abdomen.
Relatives have said they are not convinced Muchengeti shot himself. One relative who requested anonymity told ZimEye police bosses must investigate the matter since a routine search is ordinarily conducted before a person is taken for questioning.
“The pictures clearly show that Simba had no belt and he was wearing a t-shit which could have revealed he had a gun the time he was arrested, so as the family we think that it was a deal that probably went wrong,” they said.

Cuthbert Dube Faces Axe from ZIFA

ZIFA boss Cuthbert Dube will be axed from his post anytime soon, it has emerged.

Government is now prepared to bear the full brunt of Fifa statues by booting Zifa president Cuthbert Dube out of office – Sports deputy minister Tabeth Kanengoni-Malinga revealed in Parliamentarians yesterday.
Dube’s administration has come under increased pressure to step down following the demise of the country’s number one sport in recent times.
Zimbabwe’s national team has failed to qualify for three successive Africa Cup of Nations (Afcon) finals and the 2014 Fifa World Cup during Dube’s reign at 53 Livingstone Avenue.
At the same time, Zifa’s debt, which stood at $700 000 when the wealthy businessman came into office, is now at a staggering $6 million.
To worsen matters, most of the association’s property was auctioned off last year as bailiffs constantly knocked on the Zifa door at the instruction of creditors owed varying amounts.
Dube has also come under fire from his fellow board members, who have questioned the way the former Premier Services Medical Aid boss and Zifa CEO Jonathan Mashingaidze have turned the association into a two-man show.
Most of the Zifa board members, with the exception of Fungai Chihuri and John Phiri, claim they are side-lined from crucial meetings and key decisions of the federation.
The Zifa saga took centre stage in the national assembly yesterday during the ministers’ answer and question session as legislators from Zanu PF and MDC concurred that Dube should leave office.
And Kanengoni-Malinga, who lately has publicly taken a radical approach against Zifa, told the legislators that government was now “fed up” with the way Dube was running football in the country.
She said authorities were now prepared to face the full wrath of Fifa sanctions if Dube was booted out through government interference.
“We are not happy with Zifa and what is happening there,” she said. “Fifa is saying we must not interfere in football matters or we risk being suspended. Government is saying if it is suspension let us be suspended. We are going to remove the people who are ruining our football.”
She said other countries suspended by the world football governing body for removing their national federations had done the right thing as their national teams were “now performing well”, citing Nigeria as an example.
“We can be suspended by Fifa, but we would have done the right thing and we shall do that too and we are going to see changes in our football,” she said.
Kanengoni-Malinga was responding to Tapiwa Matangaidze, the Zanu PF MP for Shurungwi South, who had moved the motion calling for Dube’s ouster.
Matangaidze is a former Premier Soccer League (PSL) chairman.
“What is government’s policy on Zifa, we have some smaller countries which have qualified for the Africa Cup of Nations several times and yet we have failed to do so. We have people who have failed to run football at Zifa and what is happening?” he asked.
Matangaidze was also supported by Prince Sibanda, the MDC MP for Binga North, who wanted to know the consequences of Dube’s removal.
Dube has meanwhile steadfastly stated that he will not step down from his post, arguing that he deserves respect and appreciation for pouring his personal fortune into the game.

Lightning Claims Three Lives In Tsholotsho

There is an increase in lightning strikes in Tsholotsho district where three people have been killed, including 18 herd of cattle and six goats since the beginning of the rainy season. Tsholotsho District administrator Nosizi Dube pointed out that lightning has become a cause for concern while speaking about the district’s flood and disaster preparedness yesterday.
“As Tsholotsho district we are ready based on last year’s experience. We have launched a disaster preparedness plan and we trained all wards on all disasters that might befall them. Recently we faced a disaster when 11 people died in Botswana and we managed to bury them last week.” Dube said.
Normally,this district is prone to floods but at the moment there is no immediate danger to this regard but instead, the district had recorded a high rise in lightning incidents.
“The first incident was in Ntulula area in Ward 3 where a bolt of lightning struck a kitchen hut, threw out two children and killed their parents,” narrated Dube.
The two children, aged nine and three, were thrown out and watched helplessly as their parents were burnt to ashes.
Their parents’s ashes Nkulumo Ndebele and his wife Junior Sibanda were buried in a grave on the spot of the incident.
Another incident took place in Ward 19, where an old woman was burnt to death after being struck by a bolt of lightning while in her hut.In the same surprising way her grand children were thrown out and therefore survived the strike.
Lightning also struck seven head of cattle, six goats, and two brothers lost 11 beasts which they had earmarked for a cattle breeding project in Jimila area
In the latest incident that occurred last Saturday a woman lost around $30,000 in cash and property worth thousands of dollars when lightning struck her homestead and reduced the house to ashes.
“We do not know how to assist people who would have lost property and beasts in such incidents,” Dube said.
So far the district civil protection unit chairperson Dube, said they have launched a safety programme in most schools and were working hard to spread it to all parts of the district.

Biti Calls for Mass Protests Against ZANU PF

MDC-RENEWAL secretary-general Tendai Biti yesterday called on citizens to confront Zanu PF by challenging its rule, but fell short of calling for overt protests against the ruling party.
In a statement, Biti said Zanu PF had failed and the party should resign, urging Zimbabweans to confront what he described as the party’s dictatorship.
“Zanu PF is not interested in dialogue and in respecting the citizen, therefore, it is up to the people to use their constitutional rights and confront Zanu PF,” he said.
“Section 67 of the Constitution bestows full political rights to every citizen of Zimbabwe. More importantly, Section 59 of the same Constitution bestows on every Zimbabwean the right to demonstrate and petition peacefully.”
Biti’s long-time ally-turned-foe MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai spent the better part of last year threatening protests against Zanu PF, but these never materialised.
The former Finance minister said 18 months after elections it had become clear that Zanu PF had no plan for the economy, as the country was mired in a serious structural crisis.
“It is now 18 months after the July (2013) elections and it is clearly beyond any reasonable doubt that the State is mired in a serious structural crisis reproduced in various forms, including economic collapse, acerbic succession battles, weak and absent leadership,” he said.
Biti said the 35 years of independence had been a trail of dashed hopes, dreams delayed, false starts and missed opportunities for citizens.
“The last 35 years have seen the collapse, demise and destruction of anything functional in this country and this is all reflective of the DNA of Zanu PF defined by one thing alone, destruction and cannibalisation,” he said. Biti said they were concerned about the economy which continued to deteriorate.
“The post-GNU (Government of National Unity) economy can only be described as the new failure, a defining period capitalised by incompetence, corruption, deflation, dishonesty and stagnant growth,” he said.
“The GDP (gross domestic product) growth rate has plummeted to levels below 4% in both 2013 and 2014 from a high point of 12% growth in 2011 and 10,7% in 2012.”
Biti said the growth rate under the new government was indicative of a shrinking economy.
“The failure by the government to pay civil servants’ bonuses in 2014 is an unprecedented act of incompetence and heartlessness,” he said.
“The bonus in a status quo situation of low disposable economy represents a saving to the government employee.”
Biti described the tinkering with the Indigenisation and Empowerment Act through the 2015 Finance Act as both a sham and a comedy.
“A country that asks each potential investor to deal with the relevant ministry is simply decentralising corruption and incompetence,” he said.
“There is no defined criterion and standard system, which each of the ministries will apply, resulting in greater confusion, arbitrage, distortion and corruption.”
Biti said the State was no longer able to meet its normal obligations of social service delivery.
“There are no drugs in clinics and hospitals and in places like Cowdray Park, Dulibadzimu, Mbare, Hatcliffe, Sakubva, Bobo and Dzivarasekwa Extension, Zimbabweans are living in squalor with no water or ablution facilities,” he added.-SouthernEye

Biti Flies to London for Star Rally on Saturday

UPDATED: 29th January 2015 – the MDC Renewal Team Rally has been postponed indefinitely, according to a press statement by chairperson Lovemore Mazivisa.

MDC Renewal Secretary General and top Zim barrister, Tendai Biti flies to the United Kingdom for a star rally on Saturday.
The large function will be held just outside London in the UK’s most Afro-populated town of Luton on the 31st January.
Accompanying Biti is Renewal Boss, Sekai Holland who will present her first maiden speech to diasporans. Also present will be former Tsvangirai aide Gorden Moyo.
The function begins at 2PM at the Lewesey Community Centre, LU4 OSW.

Cop Rapes Woman In Car

A 23-year-old policeman from the Police Protection Unit allegedly raped a mentally-challenged woman in the Avenues area whom he had “arrested” for loitering.
Bornwell Mudunda, who was donning his police uniform, allegedly raped the woman in his car as a way of facilitating her release. According to the State, the incident occurred outside a night club in that area.
Mudunda of 9803 Kuwadzana 3, Harare, yesterday appeared before magistrate Milton Serima charged with rape. He was remanded to February 24 on $50 bail with the State’s consent.
The prosecutor Miss Sharon Mashavira, alleged that on January 25 this year, the victim was approached by Mudunda’s accomplice (name not supplied) at Tipperary Night Club, the court heard.
It is the State’s case that Mudunda’s accomplice grabbed the victim’s handbag and started demanding his $1 back, which he had initially paid for her to enter the club. He started walking back to a parked car while still holding the victim’s bag and the woman followed him.
When they got to the car park, the court heard that the man ordered the victim to get inside the car and she complied. When the complainant got into the car, she then saw Mudunda who was wearing his police regalia sitting in the car.
Mudunda reportedly locked the vehicle and told the woman that she was under arrest.
He allegedly advised the woman that they were going to have sexual intercourse as a way of facilitating her release.
According to the State the woman refused and Mudunda is said to have raped her.
After the act, Mudunda allegedly ordered the woman to disembark from the vehicle.-State Media
She then rushed back into the club and informed her friend who assisted her in reporting the matter to the police.

Prophet Rapes Pregnant Woman

A 25-year-old self-styled Chiredzi prophet will spend the next 15 years in jail for raping a pregnant woman after lying to her that she had objects in her womanhood that could kill the baby or her during delivery.Thomas Muzira of Village 9, Triangle, pleaded not guilty to a charge of rape when he appeared before Masvingo senior regional magistrate Judith Zuyu on Friday, but was convicted due to overwhelming evidence against him.
The magistrate sentenced him to 18 years in jail, three years of which were suspended for five years on condition of good behaviour. Magistrate Zuyu said Muzira put God’s name in disrepute by pretending to be a prophet when he was a criminal.
The man escaped to South Africa after committing the crime in 2010 and was arrested in December last year when he decided to come back home.
“You were on the run and you thought you will never be arrested. You deserve a stiffer penalty because the police had a torrid time looking for you yet you had skipped the border to South Africa. How could you rape an innocent pregnant woman through lying that you’re a prophet? You should rot in jail so that those who use God’s name to commit crime can also learn,” said Zuyu.
Prosecuting, Mukai Mutumhe said Muzira inserted his fingers into his victim’s womanhood as part of the “healing” session.
“On December 15, 2010, the woman visited Muzira where she was told she would die during delivery if she did not seek treatment. The woman was accompanied by her husband and other relatives but Muzira did not do anything on the day. He asked the woman to return the following day for treatment,” said Mutumhe.
Two days later, the woman returned and found Muzira alone. He took her into his room and ordered her to lie facing upwards, before inserting his finger into her womanhood.
“Muzira removed some objects after which he told the woman that there were still some bigger objects inside. He then ordered her to stand up and lean forward while holding a stool with both hands so that he could detect and remove bigger objects inserted by the enemies,” added the prosecutor.
When the woman leaned forward, Muzira lifted the woman’s dress to waist level before raping her once. “When the woman felt that Muzira had inserted his manhood, she tried to get off his grip but he held her tightly until he finished. After the incident, the woman went home and informed her husband after which a formal report was made to Triangle police. Muzira fled to neighbouring South Africa after committing the crime where he stayed for nearly five years but was arrested on his return in December last year, following a tip off,” said Mutumhe.
Muzira claimed he was in love with the woman and she framed him after her husband discovered about their relationship. Chronicle

Mugabe and Mujuru at Harare Gallery‏

Mugabe on the wall
By A.a.V. Amasi
Having taken one year’s sabbatical from the art world to nurse a terrible writers block, with litres of cheap bourbon. I dried up and self prescribed this affliction with a therapeutic visit to my favourite cultural space in Harare.
On first re-entering Njelele Art Station – Andy Warhol and George Seurat references as well as Charles Blanc’s “Colour Star” put me in a stupor like a Cassius Clay jab.
I found myself in a daze asking the question “Who is this Artist ” someone whispered “Kombo Chapfika”. His artwork pulls you from wall to wall, with lures of textures and beautiful colours.
Chapfika is a multi-layered artist who uses several techniques to express himself. His work has been exhibited at multiple American galleries and most recently at the prestigious National Gallery of Zimbabwe.

Chapfika’s first African solo exhibition “A Supposedly Fun Thing I ‘ll Never Do Again” is at Njelele Art station, the in place for Harare’s hipster set and culture vultures who love its eclectic modern approach to art.
It seems a perfect marriage between Chapfika’s innovative artistry and Njelele’s founding principles of giving a platform to emerging voices. Without these sorts of spaces, Artist of Chapfika’s calibre would find it difficult to get their full body of work seen by true appreciators of art.
Chapfika’s collection is a remix of local cultural subject matter fused with elements of pop art and digital pointillism. The work has been produced against the bedlam of a landscape that is not always conducive for outside the box artwork.
Imagine a Warholesque, pop art style portrait of Robert Mugabe (Bob vs. Warhol) emanating electoral coolness. I recall in 2008, a friend of mine upon seeing a picture of Robert Mugabe in the Guardian asked me the pertinent question “Why have they made him so black?”
What I understood at that point was that the Guardian was perpetuating the visual notion of a “Monster”. Chapfika uses colour manipulation and photo-based techniques to turn Mugabe from the Guardian’s “Monster” to the hip granddaddy of cool.
This piece evoked a meditative mind frame, with the hypnotic guitar riff of Songhoy Blues’ “Soubour” on loop. For a brief instant my mind evolved into Snoop Lion and I visualized this portrait on my feature wall with a t-shirt to match.
I hope that in some misguided idiotic quarters, where political correctness is over exaggerated “Bob vs. Warhol” is not seen as defacing the revolutionary currency of the subject but an artwork that actually revives the cultural omnipotence of the subject?
Maybe this could provoke healthy discourse between different sides of the political fence. Chapfika’s influence Warhol had an obsession with fame and celebrity.
In Zimbabwe, the biggest celebrities are politicians and none of them have greater brand equity than Mugabe.
With many unreasonable zealots littering Zimbabwe’s political landscape, Could Chapfika be playing with fire by including the harmless piece “General” (Solomon Mujuru)?
In this piece the Artist has injected some afro futurism and given the General haunting piercing eyes.
The portrait has a pleiadian quality about it, channelled through Chapfika’s artistry, it’s as if the General is coming back from the future with Bowie’s Space Oddity lyrics changed to “General Mujuru to Ground Control “I am amazed by the painstaking techniques Chapfika uses to create this piece, he must have clocked hundreds of hours of hard graft to bring the General back into our chaotic dimension.
The most interesting thing about this collection is the many underlining messages told through different pieces.
I have always been fascinated by the poetic challenges of been an artistic creative, in a culture strewn with political correctness that often shuns self expression and frowns on artistic voices. In essence, Chapfika’s art transcends the boundaries of politics.
What is endearing about Chapfika’s artwork is his assimilation of indigenous slang words, which have become national phrases, such as the overused “zvirikufaya” Chapfika has the innate ability to give a balanced artistic representation to popular culture with modern undertones.
This is expressed more in “Hail to Chief 11“ a map outline of Zimbabwe littered with colourful colloquialisms. For any body of art to have a major cultural impact the volksgeist has to be in tandem with the zeitgeist.
I feel Chapfika’s art conceptualises this and masterfully taps into popular culture by colourfully looking at cultural icons, past, present and remixing them with modern art techniques.
Contact the writer at [email protected]

Jose Mourinho Approves Louis Figo Bid To Kick Out FIFA’s Mugabe

[lightbox link=”” thumb=”” width=”750″ align=”right” title=”Blatter with Robert Mugabe when he visited Harare three years ago” frame=”true” icon=”image” caption=”Blatter with Robert Mugabe when he visited Harare three years ago”]The legendary ex-Portuguese international Louis Figo has thrown his name in the hat for the FIFA presidency ready to topple Sepp Blatter who has been at the helm of the football world body since 1998.
The FIFA presidential elections will take place at the 65th FIFA Congress on 29th May 2015, in Zurich.
Figo’s bid for the FIFA presidency has received a stamp of approval from fellow country man and Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho.
Mourinho said: “Luis Figo’s candidacy is a great step forward for football. His career over many years grants a better future for Fifa.”
The ex- Portugal international is stepping in to end Sepp Blatter’s reign, an era characterised by corruption, scandals engulfing the World Cup bidding process.
The 42 year old Figo said FIFA’s image has deteriorated for years now under the leadership of 78 year old Blatter who is still eager to run for a fifth term.
“Football has given me so much during my life and I want to give something back to the game,” the ex-Portugal international, who won 127 caps, said in a CNN interview.
“I look at the reputation of Fifa right now and I don’t like it. Football deserves better. In recent weeks, months, and even years, I have seen the image of Fifa deteriorate.
“As I speak to many people in football – to players, managers and association presidents – so many of those people have told me that something has to be done.”

I Will Not Experiment With Economy “Like Dodgy Gono” – Mangudya

The central bank governor John Mangudya said on Wednesday he will not experiment with the economy during his tenure, in what has been interpreted as a direct swipe at his predecessor Gideon Gono.
Mangudya said he will instead find ways to push for implementation of radical changes that will drive economic growth.
Mangudya, who was appointed central bank boss last year, told editors from media houses operating in the country that Zimbabwe’s economy was “an awakening giant.”
The Zimbabwean economy is projected to grow by between one and 3,2 percent this year, accounting to government and World Bank projections although other analysts have put it at one percent.
Some of the editors, however, said the growth had not translated to any tangible benefits for the ordinary person.
But Mangudya said there was a “crisis of discipline” and lack of sacrifice in the country, virtues which are key ingredients in driving the economy on a sustainable growth trajectory.
“I do not want to experiment with people’s lives,” the governor said, keen to emphasise an approach that differs with that adopted by his predecessor, Gideon Gono, whose ten-year term was defined by unorthodox interventions in the economy.
“I would rather experiment in a laboratory than in an economy.”
He said lack of discipline as evidenced by high levels of corruption, profiteering, smuggling of goods and minerals, lack of transparency were some of the ills stifling economic transformation and making life hard for the ordinary man.
Zimbabwe is estimated to be losing billions through illicit dealings in major economic sectors and government stands accused of failing to stamp out the corruption due to alleged involvement of senior officials.
Mangudya said mining, tourism and agriculture were the three sectors key to Zimbabwe’s economic growth going forward and the central bank will soon come up with measures to buttress efforts to boost their performances.
“Our growth areas are in mining-gold, coal, platinum and diamonds, tourism and horticulture,” he said.
“We want to mobilise resources to support these sectors.”
The central bank boss said he believed in tourism minister Walter Mzembi’s vision of a $5 billion industry by the year 2020.
Currently, earnings from the industry are around $1 billion annually.
While foreign direct investment was critical in improving performance, it was not the panacea to the challenges bedevilling the economy, he said.
Mangudya said low productivity, lack of competitiveness and low business confidence were the major ills impacting on the country’s economic performance while calling for “recalibration” of the economy to solve major structural challenges.
Addressing the cost of doing business in the country would help improve its competitiveness, he said.
He said demands for salary increases in an economy which was not performing were unrealistic.
“If salaries are 80 percent of government expenditure, there is no room to increase the salaries,” he said.
‘People in this country are paid for going to work and just being active but not for productivity.”
Mangudya reiterated that the country would in the foreseeable future continue to use the multi-currency system with no possible return of the local currency in sight.

1.3 Million Zimbabweans Mentally Disabled

Health minister David Parirenyatwa has said economic hardships coupled with drug abuse has significantly contributed to the increase in Zimbabweans suffering from mental disorders.
An estimated 1, 3 million Zimbabweans have some form of mental illness, according to government data.
Speaking during the launch of the Zimbabwe mental health strategic plan for 2014-2018 today, Parirenyatwa said it is unfortunate that the illness is still not given the attention it deserves despite its growth.
“Sometimes we do not understand why some people go into some tempers unexpectedly,” he said. “The harsh economic situation, zvikwereti unenge uchitotadza kudaira phone, people asking for money after money that you can’t pay.
“The post traumatic disorders, a lot of our soldiers were not counselled post-war and we just assume it’s over but in reality we still have a lot of problems. Another major problem is drug abuse; we need to deal with the issue of illicit drugs.”
Ministry statistics show that there are 91 390 mentally-ill patients in Zimbabwe.
“7 763 new mentally ill patients were seen in our hospitals from January to October 2014… The problem has been increasing in Africa and Zimbabwe has not been spared,” said the minister.
“We haven’t as a ministry managed to put much emphasis on the condition but we now seek to do that through the plan.”
The four-year strategic plan seeks, among other things, to guide the implementation of the Mental Health Policy of 2004 by harmonising activities, improving drug provision, training more professionals and rehabilitation of infrastructure to improve the quality of life for those living with the condition.
Notwithstanding the stigma and marginalisation of such patients in Zimbabwe’s communities, support and scope of services remain limited owing to serious funding challenges that have left institutions operating with skeletal staff.
The country has two dedicated mental hospitals, Ingutsheni in Bulawayo and Ngomahuru in Masvingo, while other major referrals have units for such patients.
“At Ingutsheni there is one instead of eight psychiatrists and Ngomahuru there is none but they need five. About 20 are needed at both Parirenyatwa and Harare Hospital but they have around 10,” Parirenyatwa said, further appealing to implementers of the plan to engage traditional leaders in the policy implementation.
“We have to deal with the root causes of such illnesses but how are we going to do that with the economic hardships?” queried the minister.
David Okello, World Health Organisation representative, said the organisation has noted with concern the relegation of mental health, prevention and substance control to mediocre subjects.
“I also feel there is need to train a lot more other support professionals and I’m appealing for the expansion of staff retention allowances to psychiatric services,” he said.
Paula Morgan, Centre for Disease Control deputy director, said, “The plan will promote the rights of such people, fight stigma and help the integration of services in Primary Health care and HIV services.”

Are You ‘Sharing Poverty’

I know that this article will offend a number of people, but I cannot help it. People must know this.
A few months ago someone asked me this question: What is the purpose of giving? I answered that: 1) God commands us to give, and 2) to meet the needs of other people. I went on to explain the term ‘sharing poverty.’ In this post I will share my thoughts on this. This post will answer the reason why some aid or help we offer has not been sustainable in alleviating poverty. Be careful when you help people or even family members.
Needs are Classified Into Two

  • Consumption, also called ‘relief aid’. This included giving basic needs like food, shelter, clothes etc for human survival. It has to be for a short time because it is not sustainable. At the end of the day the people will have nothing [because they consumed] and they still want more and more. This is good when there is a disaster, whether natural or man-made.

In families, it is good to supporting your economic inactive family members. But remember that when you give, all that you give get finished sooner or later. They are just consumers.

  • Economic or Sustainable Giving. It involves giving with the aim of empowering or investing, for example education and training, business inputs, income generating projects, etc. You give once, but there is return sooner or later. If done properly, this is sustainable giving. It makes the people better and you do not have to repeat again and again. After using the resources, the people will have more than they started with.

Generally, prolonged relief giving/aid makes people unproductive, lazy and poor! It gives people a temporary higher quality of life, but this high lifestyle goes down as soon as the aid is plugged off.
Be careful when you give to family, having some relatives with a poverty mentality can drain you back into poverty. Their aim is to share what you have, that is, what you have worked for and to enjoy the benefits of your labour.
Here is a poverty mentality check. If you tell a person that ‘this year I managed to make extra income, beyond what I planned.’ A poverty minded person will say, ‘Now that you have extra, can I have some of it?’ A person with blessed and productive mentality will say, ‘How did you do it? I also want to end up with extra cash like you?’ A poverty minded person is first of all a consumer, production is an afterthought
I will give you two illustrations.
Scenario One: Sharing Poverty
After a year of hard work Titus managed to amass an extra $5,000. This came through hard work and application wisdom. Now Titus has four brothers who are all struggling financially.
When he told them how much he achieved financially they all said ‘please let’s share your success.’ So Titus shared the $5,000 equally. Each one got $1,000. The four brothers were very happy and praised their hard working older brother and each one threw a party to celebrate. Because they do not know how to handle, or even create an extra $1,000, they blew up the money within days and end up on zero balance. At the end it’s only Titus who had his $1,000 share tacked away for future investment.
Titus was very sad, he had worked hard for the $5,000, but ended up with $1,000. He said to himself, ‘what’s the point of working hard when you end up poorer and miserable.’ And he planned to work less harder next year because ‘it make no difference.’ So the following year Titus managed to save less than $1,000. He knew what would happen, if he has excess money.
ANALYSIS: The total net worth of the family [of 5 brothers] went from $5,000 to $1,000. We call this sharing poverty. The second year, the net worth plummeted to less than $1,000.
Scenario Two: Empowering
Now consider this scenario. When Titus told them how much he achieved financially his brothers said ‘please tell us how you did it so that we can also do the same.’ So Titus set down and explained his methods. He also volunteered to coach them throughout the year.
At the end of the same year Titus was proud to still have his $5,000 and a bunch of motivated brothers. This motivated Titus to work even harder the following year, knowing that his hard work does not benefit himself only but can motivate others to succeed as well.
By the end of the second year, guess what happen! Each brother had $5,000 extra income. And the motivated Titus doubled his extra annual income to $10,000.
ANALYSIS: The total net worth of the family [of 5 brothers] went from $5,000 in the first year to a whooping $30,000, that is ($5,000 X 4) + $10 000. We call this empowering! You can guess what happened in the third year!
In Conclusion
Now, I am not saying do not give to the needy. But I am saying give with understanding so that you will not be disappointed, ending up with them, stack in poverty. Be aware of people who will come and say ‘Give me $1,000, I want to start a project.’ When in fact their so called projects are in fact ‘garbage projects’ that will sink a hole in your pocket, and not their pocket.
Perhaps if someone asked money for a project, be shareholders in the project so that you make sure that you get your money back. Actually analyse the project first. If it’s a ‘garbage project’ throw it out right away. It has to pass the test. If the project is good, partner in a way that you have the majority shareholding. Are you not tired of being ripped off by people in the name of projects? Be wise. Learn from your past experiences.
So, how is your giving; sharing poverty or empowering?
Enjoy your week.
Share this with you college friends.
Please share your thoughts, ideas and comments below!
© Copyright 2013 by It’s My Footprint,

POLITBURO LIVE UPDATE: Didymus Mutasa Expulsion Quashed By Politburo

In a move set to demonstrate the strength of and exonerate the Joice Mujuru (Gamatox) faction, the motion to expel Former Zanu PF secretary for Administration, Didymus Mutasa was squashed by the politburo Wednesday.
Wednesday’s Politburo meeting was chaired by VP Emmerson Mnangagwa instead of President Mugabe.
A committee has since been set up to address Mutasa’s concerns.
But the committee set up comprises of Mutasa’s prominent enemy Grace Mugabe. It will be chaired by Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko, and also includes Saviour Kasukuwere (Secretary for the Commissariat), Patrick Chinamasa (Secretary for Legal Affairs), Grace Mugabe (Secretary for Women Affairs), Pupurai Togarepi (Secretary for Youth) and Kembo Mohadi.
Mutasa, who was reduced to an ordinary card-carrying member in last December’s Zanu PF congress, has been accused of attempting to involve SADC and the African Union in Zanu PF’s internal affairs, granting interviews to hostile private media, denigrating the party and the outcome of the 6th Zanu PF congress held in December.
An earlier press release yesterday saw Kasukuwere signalling that Mutasa would be dealt with harshly. See below:

MDC-T Boss Assaulted By Soldier

The MDC-T Chivi Central district chairperson, Tyavanai Chibhebhe, was over the weekend assaulted by a soldier at Huruyadzo growth point in Chivi for wearing his MDC T-shirt, the party says.
According to the party’s information department, Chibhebhe sustained head injuries and had to seek medical attention at a local hospital.
He reported the matter to Huruyadzo police but the soldier was not arrested, the report further said adding that,
“the soldier, one Eliphas Gava claims to be part of the Presidential guard in Harare and is always threatening people in the area. This is not the first time that this notorious man has assaulted known MDC members without provocation.”

Doctor Caught Shoplifting Faces Jail

Paul Kadungure
Paul Kadungure – file pic

A Harare based medical doctor, Paul Kadungure was caught in the act shoplifting in Harare in a movie style operation after attempting to sideswipe security.
Kadungure on Monday entered OK Zimbabwe Fife Avenue where he loaded into a trolley 12 canned Castle lagers, two bottles of Viceroy brandy, five packs of goat chop, Probrands lemon and lime, a kilogramme of onions, chicken cutlets, pork leg chops, Irvine’s shrink eggs, a kilogramme of tomatoes, Kleenex baby soft, beef short ribs, pork shoulder chops, brisket and Chakalaka Boerewors.
The doc then briefly left the trolley and took a moojoos daily pine and one carrier bag to the till and paid US$0,60.
After paying for the two items, he went back for the trolley and pushed it towards the exit.
At the exit point he showed the security guard the US$0,60 receipt for the two items and immediately a close circuit television monitor alerted the guard.
Kadungure was arrested and the groceries worth US$91,43 were recovered.
He yesterday pleaded guilty to shoplifting after he was caught stealing groceries worth US$91 at OK Zimbabwe Fife Avenue Shopping Centre.
He blamed his actions on the “state of the mind” at the time he committed the crime.
Kadungure (32) of number 725 Excett Building, City Doctors, Robert Mugabe Way in Harare pleaded guilty to theft.
He appeared before Harare magistrate Mr Nomsa Sabarauta and will be sentenced today after the State asked for time to gather Kadungure’s previous convictions.
In mitigation, Kadungure told the court that it was not his intention to steal from the supermarket, but his state of mind at that time caused him to pass the till with the groceries without paying.
“I offered to pay for the groceries because I had the money, but they insisted on arresting me,” he said.
“I am the breadwinner and I look after my bed-ridden mother. I am married and have a newborn baby.”
Prosecutor Ms Shambadzeni Fungura, told the court that Kadungure recently appeared in court for stealing groceries at one of the Spar Supermarkets and he is suspected of having committed similar offences.

Mugabe Deathly ill – REPORT

‎There was drama Tuesday morning outside the official residence of Zimbabwe’s nonagenarian President, Robert Mugabe as he was reportedly hurriedly evacuated for medical treatment.
Sources living a stone’s throw from the Presidential residence described what they called a scene of pandemonium as aides scrambled to get Mugabe out of State House. The cavalcade that transported Mugabe out of his official residence was missing his signature black armoured Mercedes, Zim1‎. Instead security vehicles flanked
‎the President’s ambulance.
Normal protocols for the Presidential motorcade are that it travels at 74miles per hour (120km/hr)‎ in residential areas, however, witnesses living near Chancellor Avenue reported that the cavalcade was burning rubber at speeds exceeding 170 kilometres per hour (106miles).

Also Read – Kasukuwere speaks on Mutasa expulsion meeting.

A highly placed government source has said that the President was indeed taken ill and was exfiltrated to an as yet undisclosed medical facility within Zimbabwe. But efforts to obtain further confirmation from the President’s office were fruitless as the phone number was being abruptly cut when answered.
The source however went on to say that Mugabe, who has ruled Zimbabwe with an iron fist for almost 35 years, was too ill to be flown aboard and medical personnel were being flown into Zimbabwe to treat the 90 year old.
Robert Mugabe’s illness comes at a time when his partner, Grace is receiving emergency treatment abroad which the husband said was appendicitis.
It was not clear how Mugabe was later in the day as communications with State House were failing. will continue to update readers as details unfold.

Maid Forces Employer’s Kids To Have Sex At Knifepoint

A 16-year-old Rujeko maid allegedly sexually assaulted her employer’s four-year-old son before forcing him to be intimate with his five-year-old sister at knifepoint, police confirmed yesterday.Acting Masvingo police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Kudakwashe Dhewa said the incident happened on Monday at around 4PM.
“We can confirm receiving a report to that effect but we’re yet to get full details of what exactly transpired. The suspect is expected to appear in court to answer charges of sexual assault,” said Asst Insp Dhewa.
The maid (name withheld to protect the minors) was left in the custody of two minors, a boy, 4, and his sister, 5, while their parents went to work. At around 4PM, the maid called the boy into the spare bedroom where she allegedly removed her panties before forcing him to be intimate with her.
“The maid was doing this in full view of the boy’s sister. After the ordeal, the maid called the two siblings before ordering them to be intimate. The two are said to have resisted but the maid allegedly threatened them with a kitchen knife forcing them to comply,” said a neighbour.
The neighbour who spoke on condition of anonymity, said she was attracted by the girl’s screams and went to investigate.
“I heard the girl screaming and went to investigate what the problem was. Upon arrival, I saw the boy mounting on top of her sister, with the maid standing aside holding a kitchen knife in her hands. I asked what she was doing but she couldn’t give me a satisfactory answer and I learnt later that she had earlier on abused the innocent boy.”
The neighbour said she left the scene and headed straight to Rujeko Police Post and reported the matter leading to the maid’s arrest.
“I reported the abuse at Rujeko Police Post and she was arrested. When police went to arrest the maid, the children’s parents had returned from work and were also told what had happened,” she said. chronicle

How Thieves Broke Into Prison And Stole Cash, Cellphones

IN an incident that has sent tongues wagging, thieves broke into Gwanda Prison on Monday night, stealing cash and cellphones.
Although officials were tight-lipped about the incident, sources who spoke on condition of anonymity said an undisclosed amount of cash and a number of cellphones belonging to inmates were stolen during the break-in.
By the time of going to print prison officials were reportedly still taking stock of what was stolen. The thieves, suspected to be former inmates, broke a window from outside at the front end of the prison, almost 40 metres from the main gate, raising serious security concerns at the prison.
The latest incident comes less than a month after an inmate escaped from the prison, but was later apprehended by members of the public.
It remains a mystery how prison guards could not detect the incident, considering an axe was used to cut the burglar
The daring thieves allegedly used an axe to cut down the window’s burglar bars before getting inside and ransacking the cashier’s office where property belonging to inmates is kept.
Cash belonging to the prison was reportedly stolen.
The prison runs a number of income-generating projects that include farming, a restaurant and car wash.
The destroyed window was yet to be repaired by late yesterday afternoon. – SouthernEye

Mphoko Disqualified from Government Job

Zimbabwe’s recently appointed second vice President Phelekezela Mphoko, has been ruled out from the government role of national healing and reconciliation, after allegations surfaced on his alleged involvement in Gukurahundi terror.
Mphoko has been rendered “unfit for the Government Job” because of his name’s association with the infamous Gukurahundi massacres which has triggered a spell of lack of trust from countless Matabele people who have slapped him with various negative titles.
According to Dzikamai Bere, who is a Human Rights Researcher on Transitional Justice, “if a Commissioner is appointed, he or she must not have a spot on the back, or any allegation. (CLICK HERE for full audio interview)
Now that we have a Vice President who is supposed to be in charge of National Healing, but with allegations from the community he is supposed to be working with on national healing, it is not a good idea to politicise the healing process. Because of these allegations, levelled against him; he is no longer the right candidate to be appointed into national healing commission, thereby automatically not appropriate for the job,” he said.
Bere also added that the Human Rights Commissioners must also be people with a smart track record and a clean record on human rights issues. “The Commissioners must also hold confidence in people’s minds that this process will be a success away from political influence,” he said.
The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission is appealing to victims of the 80s Gukurahundi atrocities, to come in their numbers to register, and openly speak about their victimisation without fear, as this is their only opportunity to heal and move forward.

EXCLUSIVE: Tocky, Mapfumo, Tuku, and Sulu Robbed By Daring Pirate

In Harare, music piracy has become a nagging concern. As the issue continues to intensify, one man has been noted as the chief culprit of this illegal activity and it will not be weeks before he is nabbed. For fear of prejudicing upcoming police investigations, ZimEye have decided to keep the man’s name under lock and key. But many already know the man who drives a Pajero on the streets of Harare and pushes stolen music to the streets using desperate street vendors trying to survive by hustling. HARARE_CITY_PHOTO
As Zimbabwean musicians continue to cry foul over lack of protection on music piracy issues, the situation has denigrated into an even more depressing situation in Harare where any set of three musical cds can be found on the street for as low as $1 for a set of three. Such give-away prices tend to disrespect the work of the artists while sending a message that the musicians can keep singing for other people to keep harvesting where they never sowed.
According to one of the illegal vendors interviewed by a ZimEye reporter in Harare this week, “The piracy in Harare is now an established chain of conspirators where some top guys steal the music even before official release dates and illegally copy musical cds that are pushed onto the streets at get-away prices. Some desperate street vendors sign up and jump on such offers to help push the music to the thirsty public who will buy anything affordable to entertain themselves.”
Some prominent names in Harare were this week mentioned as evidence for such unscrupulous theft of the work of others.  Many concerned music fans have responded with outrage as to how authorities have looked the other way in the face of such abuse of copyrighted materials that go on sale in public places and streets as vendors take everything as normal.
According to an anonymous street vendor, “Even some have pointed to the Ministry of Arts and Culture as not doing enough to protect musicians. Despite paper policies on plans and goals to contain music piracy, no practical or visible action has been done by the ministry as yet. That has been the reason why most musicians hardly make good sales through cds.”
Maxwell Mugadza a concerned music fan who was shocked to see a music album on the street ahead of official release last Christmas said, “It is quite insulting to find that some dealers have the audacity to steal this kind of music and push it on the streets ahead of the owners’ official album launches. Then we have a Minister of Arts and Culture who must address these issues and keep the situation under control. It now appears like the open theft of some musicians’ talent has become norm. This must be stopped.”
Many other fans have also denounced such an illegal practice of piracy.
One other fan also said, “These musicians take lots of time practicing their music to produce quality music. Someone just appears from around the corner and steals the music to sell it for profit while robbing the owners of the work.”
With such a continued trend, one notable man in Harare has been pointed to as making loads of money by stealing music and selling it through illegal vending on the streets. The same man is now under investigation because most of the interviewed vendors are pointing at him as the supplier of the stolen music. While he brags that he is well connected with authorities, the next few weeks will prove him right or wrong because most musicians have now started putting their heads together to see to it that this man is brought to book.
A well respected ZiFM DJ also added that , “The issue is all about protecting our musicians and giving them value for their efforts so that we all get value for our entertainment as they also are able to feed their families. Imagine widows and orphans left behind by great singers like Leonard Dembo, System Tazvida, James Chimombe, Tongai Moyo or Andy Brown. How are these families going to make it when their breadwinners are no longer alive to perform live shows and maybe cover up for these losses?. This is a sad reality.”

Ex-convicts face Robbery Charges

A gang of four ex-convicts went back to court on allegations that they robbed a Hope Fountain miner of his pistol and goods worth nearly $1,000 at gunpoint.
Andrew Mutamba 31, Phillip Mubonesi 35,and Agreement Sibanda 27,appeared before senior Bulawayo regional magistrate Trynos Utahwashe facing armed robbery charges yesterday. The accused gang was only released from prison in 2013 for armed robbery again.
The three pleaded not guilty.
However,Knowledge Mutizwa one of their alleged accomplice pleaded guilty and implicated the three in mitigation after he was charged separately.
Magistrate Utahwashe remanded Mutamba, Mubonesi and Sibanda,in custody to tomorrow.
The court heard that on August 23 last year, the trio hatched a plan to attack and rob Ronald Ngwenya who owns Coronation Gold Mine in Hope Fountain.
When they reached the mine, Mutizwa was the first to come out of the vehicle and he met a herdboy at Ngwenya’s gate.
Mutizwa, who was armed with a firearm and an iron bar, hit the herdboy with an iron bar on the head.
Mubonesi then fired one shot into the air and they tied the herdboy’s hands with a string, before force-marching him to the bedroom where Ngwenya and his wife were having supper.
They forced the herdboy to ask for kitchen keys and although Ngwenya responded saying the kitchen was open, he continued knocking until Ngwenya opened the door.
At that moment, Mutizwa used a metal bar to strike Ngwenya and who fell down. They then used the same metal bar to assault Ngwenya’s wife once on the head and then tied her hands using a string.
They demanded money and were later directed to a container which had $300.
The men then ransacked the house and stole mobile phones, clothes, blankets, bags, door handles, a mirror, a car cleaning spray and a bottle of hair spray. They fled the scene afterwards.
Ngwenya and his wife sustained serious head injuries and were rushed to hospital.
Only property worth $233 was recovered.-chronicle

BREAKING NEWS: Politburo Expels Mutasa From Zanu PF on Wednesday

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Former Zanu-PF secretary for Administration Didymus Mutasa is set to be expelled from the party today following recommendations by his home province, Manicaland.
The Politburo is expected to endorse Mutasa’s expulsion from the party in a special meeting at the shake shake building, party Commissar Saviour Kasukuwere announced.
Mutasa’s expulsion comes only a few days after Mugabe launched a scathing verbal attack describing him as a “stray braying ass who cannot be corrected”, a statement largely interpreted as signalling the end of Mutasa’s membership in Zanu PF.
Mutasa is facing Mugabe’s full wrath after he wrote a letter to SADC challenging the recent Zanu pf congress which sidelined him and others alligned to Joice Mujuru.
Zanu-PF Secretary for the Commissariat Saviour Kasukuwere yesterday confirmed the Politburo had Mutasa’s case high on the agenda, adding there was little chance of survival given the manner in which he had brought the name of the party into disrepute.
Following Mugabe’s unrestrained verbal attack on Mutasa, expelled Zanu PF spokesperson Rugare Gumbo said their ‘faction’ won’t be silenced.
“We have a legacy of fighting for freedom and bringing the one-man-one-vote principle to the country and that is what we should preserve for the future generations, not this culture of castigating fellow comrades just to stay in power,” Gumbo said.
“We don’t want high positions in the party and neither do we want to oust anyone. What we are simply demanding is accountability, democracy and transparency in our party and, therefore, we stand by the statement that was made by Mutasa,” he said, describing his expulsion from Zanu PF last month as a legal nullity.
“Nobody can just come and fire me from Zanu PF. It is our party, it belongs to the people. Those who think they can just sit and fire us are lying to themselves,” he said.

Local Oil Retail Attracting More Invenstors

More investors are expressing interest in the local oil retail sector at a time when international oil prices have hit rock bottom, Zimbabwe’s energy regulator said on Tuesday.
The price of crude oil on the international market has been on a freefall since June last year where it was around $118 per barrel to $70 per barrel as of December.
In June 2014 the freight on board (FOB) prices at Beira were at 0.88 per litre for diesel and 0.86 per liter of petrol. These have since gone down to 0.57 and 0.52 per litre respectively as at end of December 2014.
But in Zimbabwe, fuel prices have remained high at $1,44 and $1,31 per litre for petrol and diesel despite a government ordered reduction this month. Comparatively in the region, fuel is priced at 96 cents and 90 cents in South Africa; 92 cents and 96 cents in Namibia; $1,18 and $1,02 in Zambia, making Zimbabwe an attractive destination for retailers.
A Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (ZERA) official responsible for petroleum infrastructure Andrew Guni told The Source that more players were expected to come on board as interest in the sector continued to grow.
“So far we have had about 10 operators requesting Environmental Impact Assessments, which should be a good sign that there is interest in the sector”.
“Last year we licensed close to 500 oil retailers and we expect to renew their licenses and take on more players”, he said.
Licences in the sector have to be renewed annually.-The Source

$1,7Million Pay out For Depositors Of Trust Bank

The Deposit Protection Corporation will pay out just over $1,7 million to depositors of the now defunct Trust Bank, the Reserve Bank said on Tuesday but provided a fresh window for new investors to shore up the bank.
Last October the High Court placed Trust under provisional liquidation and appointed the Deposit Protection Corporation as the provisional liquidator. The central bank on Tuesday said it would pay up to $500 each to the bank’s depositors which were 3,452 at the time of closure. In total Trust Bank deposits were about $17, 766, 283 as at September 30, 2013.
“The Deposit Protection Corporation is currently paying out depositors up to a maximum of $500 per type of account, per depositor,” said the central bank in a notice.
“Meanwhile, Trust Holdings, the major shareholders of the bank may during the period between October 8, 2014 and April 8, 2015, engage any prospective shareholders to inject capital into the institution and restore its safety and soundness to levels required as per prudential standards.”
Under the new Deposit Protection Corporation Act Chapter 24:29, the DPC’s mandate has been expanded to involve the liquidation and curatorship of banks.
The act enables them to look after the interests of the depositors under the Banking Act. -The Source

Man Arrested for Raping And Killing Teenager

Police have arrested a man suspected of murdering a 15-year-old girl from Lupane.
Chief police spokesperson, Senior Assistant Commissioner Charity Charamba confirmed the arrest of Casper Mhlanga (29) of Fatima village, under Chief Mabikwa in Lupane.
Mhlanga is alleged to have murdered a female student, Eudisha Ncube (15) at Fatima High School on 21 January 2015.
The student was asleep in one of the rooms in the farm house used as a hostel outside the school premises when the murderer unlawfully entered the room and raped her before strangling her to death.
The suspect stole several items some of which were recovered by police in his possession. – ZBC

Accident in Mutare: 26 Feared Dead, REPORT Claims is receiving reports that an untold number of Apostolic Faith Ministries (AFM) church members were on Tuesday afternoon killed and several others seriously injured when their bus bus swerved off on the Mutare – Harare road at the Christmas Pass.
Of the 8 injured passengers about half of them have sustained serious injuries, a source said.
But other sources revealed there was indeed an accident but the claim that people died is not true. A witness, Mr Sydney Barson of the Zim Dialogue Institute told the claim that 26 people were dead was not true. Other reports even claimed the number was 33.
“There was an accident at the pass but the claim that 26 perished is not true; I am at Mutare Provinial Hospital right now,” he said without going any further.
Witnesses claim that the bus driver lost control due to over speeding.
Meanwhile efforts to obtain a comment from the police hit a snag when cops denied the accident ever happening. Sources at Mutare Provincial Hospital however confirmed that there was indeed an accident and they were attending to casualties. They however could not divulge on the statistics. will keep our valued readers informed of developments.

Zim Women Arrested for Transporting R8 million Drugs into South Africa

Two women accused of entering South Africa carrying ingredients associated with drug manufacturing appeared in the Musina Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday, Limpopo police said.
“The two women, Memory Maphosa, 39, from Zimbabwe, and Vuyiswa Mabasa, 23, from Lesotho, appeared… on a charge of the possession of drugs,” Colonel Ronel Otto said.
The matter was postponed to February 3 for further investigation, and the women would remain in custody.
The two women were arrested at Beitbridge border post on Sunday night, as they entered the country from Zimbabwe.
Otto said they were carrying more than 18kg of a substance believed to be ephedrine.
The substance would be tested to determine exactly what it was.
Ephedrine is a controlled substance with a similar chemical structure to amphetamines, and is sometimes used to manufacture methamphetamine.
Police estimated the value of the substance at about R8 million.
“Investigations to determine where the women were coming from, and where they were heading to, are still being (carried out),” Otto said. –

Namibia Parliament Wants To Legalise Wife Swapping

AFP: Wife swapping among Namibia’s nomadic tribes has been practised for generations but a legislator’s call to enshrine it in law has stirred debate about women’s rights and tradition in modern society.
The practice is more of a gentlemen’s agreement where friends can have sex with each others’ wives with no strings attached.
Swinging with an African tribal touch? Or “rape”, as some critics see it.
The wives have little say in the matter, according to those who denounce the custom as both abusive and risky in a country with one of the world’s highest HIV/Aids rates.
But the Ovahimba and Ovazemba tribes, based mainly in this southern African country’s arid north, contend their age-old custom strengthens friendships and prevents promiscuity.
“It’s a culture that gives us unity and friendship,” said Kazeongere Tjeundo, a lawmaker and deputy president of the opposition Democratic Turnhalle Alliance of Namibia.
“It’s up to you to choose [among] your mates who you like the most … to allow him to sleep with your wife,” said Tjeundo, a member of the Ovahimba ethnic group.
Concerned that HIV/Aids could be used as an excuse to stop the ancient tradition, he and others are suggesting regulations be adopted to ensure “good practice”.
‘Offering a wife to a guest’
Tjeundo said he plans to propose a wife-swapping law, following a November legislative poll when he is due for re-election.
Known as “okujepisa omukazendu” – which loosely means “offering a wife to a guest” – the practice is little known outside these reclusive communities, whose population is estimated at 86 000.
Mainly found in the north-western Kunene region near the Angolan border, the tribes are largely isolated from the rest of the country. They have resisted the trappings of modern life, keep livestock, live off the land and practice ancestral worship.
Many still reside in pole-and-mud huts and both men and women go bare-chested.
The women wear short skirts of goat skin, carved iron and cow shell jewellery and cover their braided locks in thick red ochre paste, which they also rub on their skin as a sun screen.
Unlike any modern-day swinging, tribal members make no random draw to pair couples. They meet in their own homes, while the husband or wife of the other party is banished to a separate hut during the exchange.
Women cannot object to sleeping with a man chosen by their husbands, a point that angers rights activists like Rosa Namises who says the custom is tantamount to rape and “rape is illegal”.
“That practice is not benefiting women but men who want to control their partners,” said Namises, a former lawmaker who heads a non-governmental organisation called Woman Solidarity Namibia.
‘Why should we change it?’
Other groups like Namibia’s Legal Assistance Centre (LAC), a public interest law firm that vows to protect the rights of all Namibians, have challenged its continued existence in a country where 18.2% of the 2.1 million residents have HIV, according to national statistics.
“It’s a practice that puts women at health risk,” said Amon Ngavetene, who is in charge of LAC’s Aids project. He contends that most women are opposed to the practice and would want it abolished.
But 40-year-old Kambapira Mutumbo is completely comfortable with the custom and has been asked to sleep with her husband’s friends.
“I did it this year,” she said, and “I have no problem with the arrangement”.
“It’s good because it’s part of our culture, why should we change it?” she added.
Cloudina Venaani, programme analyst with the United Nations Development Programme office in Namibia, is adamant that women only tolerate it because they are afraid of defying their husbands.
Traditionalists, however, insist the custom does not violate the rights of women, noting that women are also free to choose partners for their husbands – even if this rarely happens in practice.
Like opposition lawmaker Tjeundohe, Uziruapi Tjavara, chief of the Otjikaoko Traditional Authority in the Kunene region, wants the custom to continue but paired with education on HIV.

MDC-T Rubbishes All-Stakeholders Conference Snub-Reports

The Movement for Democratic Change formation led by Morgan Tsvangirai has dismissed as unfounded state media reports that some political parties have snubbed calls for an all-stakeholders conference to tackle Zimbabwe’s social, economic and political challenges.
MDC-T pokesman Obert Gutu says there are plans by some concerned Zimbabweans led by churches, political parties and civic organisations to hold an all-stakeholders’ conference in the next 30 to 90 days to which his party will be invited to participate.
The stakeholders conference is meant to find ways of addressing most problems bedeviling the country.
Gutu says the national convergence will be guided by eminent opinion leaders drawn from churches, business community and student movements who are leading in the planning stages.
Interview With Obert Gutu –


AUDIO: Gukurahundi Compensation: Commission Takes The Bull by its Horns

Zimbabwe’s National Peace and Reconciliation Commission, has started taking the bull by its horns, by entering the most affected communities of Matabeleland North, South and Midlands.
Matebeleland must be compensated and the murders acknowledged and documented so that these things do not take place again. Until this month when some of Zimbabwe’s finest lawyers announced they are taking the matter up for the first time ever since the atrocities were committed, the healing and reconciliation on Gukurahundi had been a pipe dream for the people of Matabeleland. [-Click to listen – AUDIO: RIGHT Click to download]

The Matabeleland people have been crying foul over the deaths of 22 000 of their relatives, who were massacred by notorious 5th Brigade, a process carried out in the name of restoring normalcy. Pressure groups and opposition politicians have been lobbied by the people of the region, who demand the offenders to be brought to book.
The first consultation which started in Bulawayo today, at the Large City Hall Car Park, has opened the first phase into healing process, as evidenced in this comprehensive interview with Human Rights Researcher on transitional justice, Dzikamai Bere.

Mphoko Splashes Insults on Poor Vendors

Zimbabwe’s Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko has caused another stench after he insultingly attacked vendors.
Mphoko who once claimed Gukurahundi was a Western conspiracy, said he did not understand why able-bodied people should engage in subsistence trading.
The VP whose wife recently refused a $3Million house saying it is too small, this time while addressing Zanu PF supporters at provincial party headquarters at Davies Hall during his maiden “Meet the People” tour in Bulawayo on Sunday, went against the concept of self-help vending when he decried the practice which has become a last resort for the growing number of jobless people in towns and cities to eke out a living.
“I have got my own views regarding vending where you find an able-bodied man seated selling tomatoes. There are better things to do for someone who is fit except for those who are indisposed and physically-challenged,” the vice president said.
He was responding to a question by a woman only identified as Ma Sibanda who wanted to know of what help was the VP to the vendors in the city who have had several running battles with municipal police officers and law enforcers.
“You should wake up and see what you can do for a living. We cannot tolerate a man who is fit, sitting down and selling tomatoes. No, let’s do something better,” he said without suggesting an alternative. His utterances come at a time when Zimbabwe has been virtually turned into an informal state as the once thriving industries have been turned into shells due to decades of political and economic mismanagement.
Currently, the country’s unemployment rate is estimated to be hovering above 90 percent. An estimated $400 million is needed if efforts to ensure a complete recovery of Bulawayo, once the hub of industry in Zimbabwe, are to achieve meaningful results.
Last year, during her “Meet the People” tour, First Lady Grace Mugabe became a darling of many after she came out guns blazing against law enforcers whom she ordered to stop harassing vendors. However, speaking on the revival of the second largest city, Mphoko said Bulawayo would rise again.
He said the Zimbabwe National Roads Administration (Zinara) should be booted out of the city if proper roads management has to be achieved. “As for Zinara, it should be there but it should go outside the city and leave Bulawayo alone,” Mphoko said.
“There used to be a Road Department which we grew up knowing. We now pay for vehicle licences at Zinara which is a national institute. Why not let Bulawayo maintain its own roads. We used to pay for vehicle licences at Revenue Hall and that money was used to maintain local roads.”
This comes after the Bulawayo City Council has challenged Zinara over its failure to allocate funds to the former for road maintenance.
Mphoko, who described Bulawayo as a stand-alone city, said it was time everything that belonged to the city should be returned.
This, he said included the Bulawayo Power Station which was compulsorily handed over to Zesa.
“Bulawayo must be Bulawayo again. The electricity generated at power stations here belongs to Bulawayo, therefore it should revert to its original owners as should electricity generated from power stations in Harare and that is the kind of efficiency we know,” Mphoko added. Daily News/Additional Reporting

Bank Shut Downs Are Normal – RBZ Boss


John Mangudya
John Mangudya

Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) governor John Mangudya says the numerous bank closures seen in recent years are normal in tough economic environments and insisted that the country’s banking sector remains “safe and sound”.
“This happens everywhere. In the United States, banks closed in 2008 (after a) financial crisis,” he said last week on the sidelines of the Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries 2015 economic outlook symposium, adding its “only that in Zimbabwe we tend to focus on the negative and this undermines investor confidence in the economy”.
However, analysts have warned that Zimbabwe’s banking industry remains fragile following the collapse of several institutions due to mismanagement, bad corporate governance, spiralling non-performing loans and an acute liquidity crisis.
Early this year, Transport minister Obert Mpofu’s Allied Bank voluntarily surrendered its banking licence, with about 245 employees set to lose their jobs upon liquidation.
Other collapsed financial institutions include Interfin, Royal Bank and Genesis.
In the past few months, some banks have been unable to meet withdrawals, prompting calls for mergers and amalgamations to help the troubled institutions shore up their capital positions.
Last year, in his maiden Monetary Policy Statement, Mangudya said he was concerned about four banks — Metropolitan, Allied, AfrAsia and Tetrad — facing liquidity and solvency challenges due to macro and institution specific factors.
These banks commanded low market shares in terms of loans (8,8 percent), assets (7,2 percent) and deposits (6,7 percent) as at June 30, 2014.
“Cognisant of the need to protect the interest of depositors and promote banking sector confidence, the Reserve Bank has been engaging these institutions to come up with credible plans to turnaround their waning financial condition,” he said at the time.
“In this regard, shareholders and boards of the distressed banks have been directed to finalise implementation of their turn around plans, failure of which the Reserve Bank will be left with no option but to intervene and institute appropriate supervisory action in terms of the Banking Act,” said Mangudya.
He conceded that the general slowdown in the performance of the domestic economy continued to pose challenges to the banking sector.
“However, the banking sector has demonstrated resilience under the current macroeconomic environment and the sector has remained safe and sound,” he said.
“If you ask me, I am seeing an awakening giant. We have all the necessary resources at our disposal to take this economy forward,” he said.
Masimba Kuchera, an economic analyst concurred with Mangudya.
The country’s banking system was “fairly stable”, he said.
“There is a bit of vulnerability although the banking system is strong. There seems to be many banks for too few depositors at the moment,”said Kuchera.
Zimbabwe currently has 18 operational banks including foreign-owned Barclays, Standard Chartered, MBCA and Stanbic .
-Daily News

ZANU PF Reverses Notion to Axe Mujuru MPs

ZANU PF has made a U-turn on earlier threats to expel and recall from Parliament more than 100 MPs reportedly linked to ousted former Vice-President Joice Mujuru.
The recall may have forced President Robert Mugabe to dissolve Parliament and call for fresh elections.
Mujuru, who was stripped of both her government and party positions following allegations she harboured plans to unconstitutionally topple Mugabe, is believed to have the support of more than 100 Zanu PF MPs.
In an interview yesterday, after addressing the Zanu PF Manicaland provincial co-ordinating committee in Mutare, Zanu PF national political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere denied that there had been a push to recall and expel the alleged “rebel MPs”.
This was despite the fact that Manicaland acting provincial chairman Samuel Undenge had briefed him about the province’s plans to axe the MPs.
“Our position has been very clear that all those who have not been expelled from the party remain members and will not be recalled from Parliament unless one has been expelled and the party decides to go for a by-election,” Kasukuwere said.
He said no resolution had been made to fire the legislators from the National Assembly, despite calls by provincial party structures to recall the MPs for allegedly identifying with the Mujuru camp.
Kasukuwere, however, said the fate of outspoken former Zanu PF secretary for administration Didymus Mutasa was being handled at the party’s highest level.
“On the Mutasa issue, the province has made a resolution and that will be discussed within the party at the highest level,” he said.
“The rest of the colleagues are members of the party.
“They are being disciplined within the party structures and it doesn’t follow that they are being expelled.”
He cited the example of Chipinge South MP Enock Porusingazi, who was recently suspended, but remains a Zanu PF MP.
Several ministers, provincial chairpersons and top party officials linked to Mujuru were purged in the run-up to, and after the ruling party’s congress in December 2014 after they were labeled traitors.
Kasukuwere later took a dig at Mutasa describing him as a self-proclaimed “godfather” and warning him to zip up or risk facing severe punishment from the ruling party. He warned party members to desist from organising shadowy meetings without following proper channels.
“We did not come to Zanu PF to help our grandmothers to get rich, but we came to build the party,” Kasukuwere said.
“For those who want to organise meetings, whether you are in the central committee or not, you should follow procedures.
“Let your chairman know about it, if you organise your own meeting what will people say about it?
“Zanu PF is not for one person, Nyati (Mutasa), the party is for every district and not Makoni. There is no godfather.
“Yes, we worked with them, but when you go wrong you face the consequences.”
Kasukuwere added: “You gave him (Mutasa) respect where it was not necessary.
“He later came with trumped-up charges against Dorothy Mabika and she suffered because of this.
“It was no longer a party issue, but it was a game.”

BREAKING NEWS: Killed, 18 Injured in Horror Crash

One woman died and 18 others were injured, five of them seriously, in an horrific car crash along Hyde Park Road in Mpopoma yesterday afternoon after the commuter omnibus they were travelling in collided with another car.

Accident The injured were rushed to Mpilo Hospital in four ambulances that had attended to the scene.

The woman, who was yet to be identified, was in the commuter omnibus, which plies the Magwegwe West route and collided with a Delta Beverages-owned Nissan NP 200.
Witnesses at the scene told Southern Eye that the accident occurred when the driver of the Delta vehicle, who was said to be travelling to their Bon Accord Depot along Khami Road, tried to beat a red traffic light.
“The kombi driver tried to apply emergency brakes, but his vehicle collided with the Delta vehicle, before overturning and throwing some passengers out of the car,” a witness said.
While some of the passengers were thrown out of the vehicle, the deceased woman was trapped inside and witnesses say this could have led to her death.
Richard Moyo, the commuter omnibus conductor, alleged the driver of the smaller car unsuccessfully tried to beat the traffic light, leading to the accident.
“We were going to Magwegwe West and the kombi was full,” the flustered conductor said.
“There were 19 people in the vehicle. After the collision, the kombi rolled several times and I really do not know what happened next.”
A fire brigade crew managed to remove the woman from the wrecked commuter omnibus, while doctors and police officers attended to the injured.
The injured were rushed to Mpilo Hospital in four ambulances that had attended to the scene.
A fire brigade officer, who declined to be named for professional reasons, confirmed that they attended to the scene and one person had died.
“I can confirm that we dispatched two canisters to the scene and one person died,” he said. – SouthernEye

Didymus Mutasa Faces Arrest for Theft

FORMER Zanu-PF secretary for Administration Didymus Mutasa could be arrested anytime from today for alleged theft of named “party documents and files from the office he was using”, which his lawyers used to prepare an application expected to be filed at the High Court in Harare today.
The State Media in a sensational 31 paragraph spit-licking stretch reports stating : the discovery of the theft of the documents comes at a time when mystery abounds over the whereabouts of the letter Mutasa purportedly wrote to Sadc as both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Harare, and the Sadc secretariat in Gaborone, Botswana, do not have a record of the letter.
Except for reports that the letter was lodged with the South African Embassy in London, its whereabouts remains a mystery whose authorship deepens in light of the fact that South Africa has an embassy in New Delhi, India, where Mutasa claimed to be when he claimed to have written the letter.
Mutasa, who was fired as Presidential Affairs Minister for working with former Vice President Dr Joice Mujuru’s putschist cabal that sought to depose President Mugabe, has been threatening to challenge Zanu-PF constitutional amendments and the outcome of the watershed 6th National People’s Congress in court, claiming it was a legal nullity.
Highly-placed sources yesterday revealed that the embattled Mutasa abandoned his Zanu-PF Headquarters office when he lost his bid to have a Central Committee seat in Makoni District, but looted all essential party documents from the office he was using in the President’s Department where he had been generating, receiving and filing party correspondence over the years.
Lawyers yesterday said Mutasa committed a theft case and would be arrested if Zanu-PF reported the matter to the police.
Said a source close to developments; “He took all the documents from the party. He used the party papers for the frivolous and vexatious litigation.”
Zanu-PF has since advised Mutasa to return the documents, failing which a theft charge will be filed with the police.
“When he was defeated in Makoni for the Central Committee seat, he went to the party headquarters where he was not operating from since he was now using the Government offices at Chaminuka Building. He said he was handing over the office to those to come after him, but he did not hand over the stuff, he took it to the Chaminuka offices.
“ Mutasa has been generating, receiving and filing correspondence on party matters from the office he was using at the President’s Department at Chaminuka Building. He had a secretary identified as Mrs Sabina Chiteme, who is also believed to be one of his wives,” said the source.
Zanu-PF director of administration Dickson Dzora, yesterday confirmed the party was handling Mutasa’s theft of documents issue, but declined to disclose more detail.
“I will comment on the matter at the appropriate time. I do not want to geopardise our investigations,” said Dzora.
However, highly placed party sources disclosed to the Herald yesterday that Zanu PF was determined to retrieve the documents stolen by Mutasa amid fears he might be tampering with them to abet his case that legal experts said was thin on the law but thick on political allegations.
“There are documents he has been receiving, we want them. We also want to see the documents that he has been generating after leaving office. He is guilty of theft of party documents and a demand has been made that he return the documents, failure of which a police report will be made,” said the Zanu-PF official.
Prominent city lawyer, Mr Jonathan Samukange, yesterday said the law was clear that taking away some important company documents when leaving the office was a criminal offense.
“The law is very clear. Taking with you company property including documents after your term office is a criminal offence. He stole those documents. He intended to deprive the owner of the documents. Zanu-PF can report him to the police,” said Mr Samukange.
Said another lawyer who declined to be named; “He stole the party’s property; he must return it or risk arrest.”
To prove that Mutasa had been stealing party documents, his lawyers Gula Ndebele and Partners on January 19 this year wrote to him requesting documents to prepare an application (D. Mutasa and others V Zanu-PF).
“I make re reference to the discussion we had this afternoon and wish to state the documentation we need to found our case as below;”-
“1.The facts in sequence and the dates when the events alleged happened. We shall then reduce to supporting or founding affidavits depending on their content.
2.The organs of the party from the lowest level, their hierarchy and functions.
3.The procedure for holding elections at the various levels from the highest to the lowest.
4.A detailed narrative of how these were done this time round at all the relevant levels. This relates with paragraph one above.
5.Events surrounding elections within the party from the low level to the highest level. This ties in with 1 and 4 above.
6.The new constitution, and the old constitution, which we have.
7.Resolutions of the Central committee, the politburo and congress, leading up to the congress of 2014.
8.Resolutions of the congress before last.
9.Any and all supporting documentation to support the factual issues we will raise in court.
10.Any decisions, deliberations and resolutions of an ad hoc committee set up to deal with pre-congress events, and minutes appointing such ad hoc committee.”
Observers say the fact that Mutasa stole these documents last year meant that his court case had been pre-meditated and that he had been criminally-minded all along.
Sources close to developments said the authorities were now treating Mutasa as a suspect in all break-in cases at the Zanu-PF and government offices were various documents were stolen.
In early September last year, thieves broke into the chamber of Chief Justice Godfrey Chidyausiku at the Supreme Court and stole a desk top computer and a television set.
A few days after the break in, four judges reportedly lost keys to their offices.
Vice President and Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs Emmerson Mnangagwa’s offices at the Zanu-PF headquarters were also broken into in September, while there was an attempted break in at Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Development Obert Mpofu at his Kaguvi Building office this year.

Zimra To Tax Raid Small Businesses

Zimbabwe’s tax collector Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) says it will start collecting taxes from small to medium enterprises this year to widen the shrinking revenue base, an official said on Monday.
Revenue collections for the third quarter of last year fell nine percent behind target with the trend likely to continue in the fourth quarter, whose figures are yet to be released, due to a cash squeeze and poor economic fundamentals. Corporate income tax was at $92 million, missing the $104 million target.
It is estimated that between $3 billion and $7 billion is circulating in the informal sector, which currently does not pay any form of taxes.
“Our thrust this year is to start collections from the small to medium enterprises. We are currently working on an invoicing system that will help us with audits for this particular sector,” Zimra acting commissioner general Tjiyapo Velempini on told The Source.
Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa painted a bleak picture of the economy when announcing the 2015 budget last November dramatized by 64,000 job losses in the past four years as over 4,600 firms closed shop.

Man Caught In Sex Raption with Sister in law.

A Gwanda man, caught in his brother’s bedroom at night chatting to his sister-in-law, stabbed his elder sibling several times with a knife after being asked about his intentions.
James Gandidzanwa, 25, of West Nicholson, was yesterday arraigned before Gwanda magistrate Olivia Mashava Mashaire facing charges of assaulting his brother, Justice Ndlovu, 32. He pleaded guilty and was remanded in custody to today for sentencing.
Prosecuting Getrude Zvidzai told the court that on January 21, at around 8PM, Gandidzanwa approached his brother’s wife demanding his money. Zvidzai said Ndlovu’s wife told Gandidzanwa to wait for her husband’s return as he was not around.
“The accused person then insisted on sleeping with his brother’s wife as a way of recovering his money. Gandidzanwa started quarrelling with his brother’s wife and that is when the complainant arrived and inquired what the noise was all about. This angered Ndlovu who then drew a knife and stabbed his brother several times on the back, twice on the left arm and once on the right hand. Gandidzanwa sustained injuries,” Zvidzai told the court.
The magistrate ordered the State to clarify whether the injuries sustained by Ndlovu would cause permanent disability.
In his defence, Gandidzanwa said he was provoked by his brother into attacking him.
“Your Worship, I admit that I stabbed my brother several times with a knife on his back but he was the aggressor. He attacked me after learning that I’d been chatting to his wife in their bedroom, which angered him.
“My brother’s wife is the one who called me into their bedroom indicating that her husband was away. What I don’t agree with is that I intended to have sexual intercourse with my sister-in-law,” he said.
Gandidzanwa said he had taken the knife from his brother after disarming him.
“He grabbed me armed with a knife and an altercation ensued. I disarmed him but in the process, injured my palm. I can’t remember how many times I stabbed him but it was more than four times,” he said.
He pleaded for the court’s leniency in passing the sentence, saying that he had given his brother $20 for medical attention. Chronicle

Gumbura Ditched By Own Lawyers

State Media: Two lawyers have renounced agency in a case in which jailed RMG Independent End Time Message leader Robert Martin Gumbura, is contesting conviction and the 40-year prison sentence at the High Court.
Advocate Thembinkosi Magwaliba and Ms Rekayi Maphosa, withdrew from the case for undisclosed reasons, a development that resulted in Gumbura instructing new lawyer Mr Tapson Dzvetero.
Justices David Mangota and Felistus Chatukuta, who were set to hear the appeal, deferred the matter indefinitely to allow the parties to file heads of argument.
The prosecutor Mr Editor Mavuto, indicated that the State had been served with Gumbura’s heads of argument on the eleventh hour by the previous lawyers, hence he sought more time to respond before the court hearing.
Adv Magwaliba said Gumbura just decided to choose a new set of lawyers.
“Yes we have renounced agency, but we did not dump the client. The client simply chose an alternative set of lawyers,” he said.
Gumbura was jailed for 40 years for raping women from his church.
He is appealing against both the conviction and sentence imposed on him by the Harare Magistrates’ Court last year.
The man of the cloth, who was denied bail pending appeal, wants the higher court to set aside the lower court’s decision and acquit him of the charges.
Gumbura faced nine counts of raping six women and one of possessing pornographic material. He was cleared of four counts relating to three other women for lack of evidence.
In his grounds of appeal, Gumbura accused the trial magistrate of negating his duties, arguing that he did not evaluate evidence of the witnesses to come up with an appropriate decision.
He insisted that the acquittal was the competent verdict under the circumstances.
Gumbura argues that there was need, on the part of the magistrate, to evaluate each piece of evidence and the position of the appellant, setting out why his evidence was not acceptable compared to that of the complainants.

ZMDC Secures Investors for Gold Mines, to Conclude Deals Next Month

State-owned mining investment vehicle, Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC) says it has secured foreign investors to inject capital into its three gold mines and expects to conclude two deals next month.
ZMDC which owns Elvington, Jena and Sabi, is seeking over $50 million to recapitalise the mines. Only Jena is fully operational, albeit at a loss, while the other two – Sabi and Elvington – are under judicial management and care and maintenance, respectively.
The company’s acting general manager, Wilson Chinzou told The Source on Monday that the board had gone through presentations from the investors and would soon make recommendations to the ministry of mines for approval.
“We are most likely to see conclusion of one to two deals in February for all three mines,” he said, without disclosing the names of the investors or the amounts involved.
He said potential investors from Europe, Asia and South Africa had expressed interest in the mines.
“I wouldn’t tell you where they are from but as you know we need more than $50 million for recapitalisation of the mines,” he said.
Elvington Gold Mine, which used to be ZMDC’s biggest gold producer but was mothballed in 2003 following the collapse of a mine shaft, is estimated to require $13 million and is currently conducting sand retreatment at two dumps.
“At the moment we are almost at breakeven point and hope to produce 14kg in the next two to three months,” he said.
Two weeks ago, state television reported that ZMDC’s gold operations were registering high production costs, at $1,695 per ounce against current bullion price levels of just under $1,300 per ounce.

Naked Pastor Axed From SABC


A clip from Pastor Zondo's infamous footage
A clip from Pastor Zondo’s infamous footage

Sthembiso Zondo’s slot on Ukhozi FM’s Vuka Motivation has been shelved until further notice following a tape of him in the nude going viral.
“The decision was taken following careful consideration, as to the negative impact this situation would have on the credibility of the said programme the Pastor was contributing to, as it deals with morality issues. The impact on brand Ukhozi FM and what the public broadcaster stands for also had to be considered,” the SABC said according to City Press.
A mystery woman filmed the pastor walking around in the nude while talking on his cellphone.
The pastor, who is married, was oblivious to the fact that he had been filmed. Zondo addressed his Zero to Hero Church congregation about the video, and asked for their forgiveness.
He asked his congregation not to delete the video. “Those who have the video of me, don’t delete it. To those who have deleted the video from your phones let the memory of the video be engraved in your minds so that when you are faced with tough situations you remember that there was once a person whose entire body was exposed to the world and yet they did not commit suicide, but they got back up,” said Zondo.
“The pain I went through after the video had come out, was nothing compared to the pain I felt when I was being threatened about it, before it had been released,” he said.

Woman Dies of Trauma from ‘Bird Debt Collector’

A Robert Sinyoka woman who was experiencing sleepless nights after a grey bird was sent from Tamandayi to demand payment of a debt she failed to pay as per stipulated time has died.
Theresa Mguni 38, who was a cross border trader and operator of five flea market bays in and around Bulawayo, died at her rural home after a struggle with trauma from a bird that kept her on her toes day and night.
Pastor Solomon Ncube of Christ for All Ministries told that they tried to assist Theresa but she did not commit herself to God opting to go to fake prophets who told her confusing and conflicting advice that haunted and caused her death.
Mguni met her fate after she travelled to South Africa last year to buy stock for her business, and this led to the beginning of the troubles that have been triggering shivers in her spine countless times.
According to her elder Sister Thembekile, the Cross-border trader died last week and was buried in the same village. “We are still worried if this war is over, as we do not know what to do if the saga continues,” she told off the camera.
Theresa was from SA to buy goods, when she stole bags which were packed with material for sale from across the border and sold the order before a dream came to her ordering her to return what “she stole”.
The late Mguni told before her death that, the dream kept coming until she sought divine intervention from prophets who warned her to look for the owner of the goods she had embezzled previously.
“I went back to Beit- Bridge and tried to look for the owners but that was to take me to another journey into the deep jungle in search of the owners of the goods I took. I am regretting the day I picked up what did not belong to me,” said Mguni in our previous interview.
She also told that she went to a village where she was directed by prophets and came across an old man in his 70s. She was told by the old man that he was waiting for her arrival weeks ago to return the stolen goods.
She was ordered to enter into a mutual agreement of paying the said amount which was calculated to $800 and she agreed.
According to Mguni before her death, sekuru gave her a small root that she said ‘I must take to SA and do another order and that the orders will double the charge he demanded’. The goods that Mguni took were also valued at $400 and she was to repay her debts money and also another $400 to sekuru.
Mguni went to SA and did what she was told to do and the deal went well, that she managed to acquire $1600, which she squandered and delayed to return to sekuru with the payment for both her victims and the old man.
A few days after she squandered the cash, in the morning when she was taking a bath, a bird arrived from nowhere and greeted her in the bathroom and it introduced itself as sekuru Nyandima.
Asked to shed more light about the bird, she told that the bird was still coming every time she is at her lodgings, a situation that fueled her death, before settling the debt.

Mphoko Disowns Gukurahundi Again

Zimbabwe’s Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko who once claimed that the infamous Gukurahundi massacre of 22,000 people was a western conspiracy, has denied charges by critics that he participated in the massacre of an estimated 20 000 innocent civilians in the early 1980s, mainly in Matabeleland and the Midlands
Mphoko told Zanu PF supporters gathered at Bulawayo’s Davis Hall yesterday that his hands were clean after he was criticised by a disapora based news reader Nomazulu Thatha.
Mphoko who was on his maiden “Meet the People” tour in the second city, said allegations that he was a member of the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) during the Gukurahundi era were both “disturbing and malicious”.
During the speech he passively reinforced his earlier comments that Gukurahundi was a western conspiracy.
“There is a woman called Nomazulu Thatha, I think she is based in the UK. She has really given me a torrid time.
“She alleges that I joined CIO in 1980. I am not a liar, in my entire life, I have killed no one. I repeat no one was killed by these hands,” Mphoko said, displaying his palms.
“I have not killed anyone, direct or indirect,” he said.
The VP said he was a God-fearing Christian who would not dare end someone’s life.
Now grey and looking all of his 74 years, Mphoko further dismissed reports that he was a CIO operative at independence in 1980 — a time that he said he had been unemployed.
Human rights groups accuse President Robert Mugabe’s government of carrying out the much-criticised atrocities in western Zimbabwe —
through the North Korea-trained Fifth Brigade — that left an estimated 20 000 civilians dead, in what has been described as the darkest period in the country since 1980.
The government claimed at the time that it wanted to crush an alleged rebellion in the region by former Zipra combatants — with Mugabe since having described the period as “a moment of madness” in the history of the country.
Government apparatchiks have recently attempted to defend the massacres, in addition to disputing the number of people killed during the offensive.
Curiously, these officials have shied away from giving details about what the offensive was really about, how many people were killed at the time and why a number of reports into the massacres have never been released despite crass threats to do so — with most of this done under the cover of anonymously-written opinion articles in lickspittle State newspapers.
“In 1980, I was not employed. I was staying at my plot where I was farming cabbages,” Mphoko said, going on to briefly narrate his history until 1987 when he was attested into the CIO.
“When I joined the CIO, I joined as a diplomat. Back then in 1987 in the CIO there were many branches of which I fell under the Diplomats Branch,” he said.
Mphoko said that year marked the start of his long journey as a diplomat, which saw him being deployed to Mozambique first and later to other countries such as Austria, Botswana, Russia and South Africa.
Mphoko was appointed second vice president of the ruling party and of the State by Mugabe last month.
Later in the meeting, he also took a swipe at those who were accusing him of being a traitor, after he allegedly jumped ship from Zapu to Zanu.
“We started unity with Zanu PF in 1972, so during that time we regarded each other as comrades and allies. Talk of JMC (Joint Military Command) and I was one of the members in charge of it,” he said.
“From there we joined (James) Chikerema’s party which was a flop. We joined Zipra, then later the Patriotic Front. Zanu had always been seen as an ally, so for people to say I jumped ship and crossed over to Zanu, that’s a grave lie,” he added.
Mphoko accused his enemies of being guilty of trying to tarnish his image since he landed the VP post.
He also told the gathering that his appointment was not going to be a stroll in the park as he faced a mammoth task of working towards the development of the country’s failing economy.
“I have come to thank the people of Bulawayo for placing me on this high position. I am not on leave.
“This is a job that is very tough considering that it was held by a person of such stature like the late John Nkomo,” he said.
However, he said, no problem was insurmountable as long as people worked together for one cause.
He also said that he was going to work tirelessly to ensure that the city of Bulawayo was restored to its lost glory as Zimbabwe’s industrial hub.
He immediately ordered Provincial Affairs minister Sandi Moyo to set up a special meeting with stakeholders, including former mayors, to map a way forward for the revival of the city.
Below is Mphoko’s 2009 comments on the Gukurahundi massacre.
“When Zimbabwe became independent in 1980, Apartheid South Africa was under threat from the ANC through Zimbabwe. Western intelligence together with the South African intelligence BOSS and the out-going Rhodesian Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) designed a strategy to destroy the lines of military supply of the ANC and MK under the pretext that the newly independent Zimbabwe was under threat of being attacked by former ZAPU/ZPRA in Matebeleland. That falsehood was intended to create a military force to deal with the perceived threat. That is how Gukurahundi was formed and that is how it became a Western conspiracy”  – Daily News/ ZimEye

Uebert Angel Now Healed? – PICTURES

Harare preacher who last year suffered a brain tumour (CLICK HERE TO READ MORE) is said to have been healed after releasing a book on Finances.
Uebert Angel released his book titled, “What God Told me About Money,” on Friday.
He appeared in a photograph hands-in-pocket standing behind a banner advertising the book.

Efforts to obtain a comment from his UK office were fruitless at the time of writing. He relocated to the United Kingdom seeking vital medical attention last year.

Drama as Congolese Man is Caught With $32,000 Diamonds

There was drama last week when a 35-year-old Congolese man, Nitta Didier, was arrested after being caught with with over 600 pieces of diamonds worth $31 843.
Police raided Didier’s Eastlea house on Wednesday after receiving a tip off from as earlier claimed “unidentified members of the public”.
However drama unrolled when it emerged that the man who reported him, is a top ZANU PF activist and a business partner actively involved in the illegal trade but who decided to turn against him after an altercation. The man, name withheld, soon went on a run following the raid.
“He disappeared and we haven’t seen him since Thursday,” said an officer only identified as Chuma. It was not clear at the time of writing if police intend to pursue the man.
However Didier appeared before Harare magistrate Mr Tendai Mahwe facing charges of contravening section 3 (1) of the Precious Stones Trade Act Chapter 21.06 as read with section 3(2) of the same Act which prohibits possession of precious stones without a licence.
Didier, of Number 26 Cumberland Way in Eastlea, Harare, was denied bail.
Didier is an asylum seeker in Zimbabwe whose papers are due to expire in April.
Prosecutor Ms Francesca Mukumbiri told the court that when she perused Didier’s docket, she assumed that he would enter a plea of guilty.
“The accused was caught red-handed and granting him bail will be a ticket to flee.
“He is a flight risk since he is a refugee in Zimbabwe and his expiry date is April this year. He was in Zimbabwe since 2007,” she said.
Ms Mukumbiri alleged that last Wednesday, Minerals and Border Control Unit Headquarters detectives received information that Didier was in possession of diamonds and was looking for buyers.
It is alleged that Didier was driving a light green Nissan vehicle with registration number ADK5638.
The court heard that he later parked the car outside house number 34 Fereday Way, Eastlea in Harare.
Detectives managed to locate the vehicle and pounced on Didier who was in the company of a passenger.
Didier was searched and 678 pieces of diamonds were recovered in his trouser pocket wrapped in a khaki envelope.
Detectives also searched the passenger but found nothing of police interest. Didier failed to produce a licence authorising him to possess the diamonds and he was arrested.
The diamonds were taken to the Minerals Marketing Corporation of Zimbabwe and 675 of them were found to be real diamonds valued at US$31 843,04.

Chengetedzai to Conclude CSD Migration in March

Zimbabwe’s Central Securities Depository firm says the remaining 20 listed companies will migrate to the new platform in March, paving way for the automation of the local bourse.
Currently, 41 out of the 61 counters trading on the ZSE are on the new settlement platform since Chengetedzai Depository Company (CDC) commenced the migration in September last year but missed the December deadline to complete the process.
Last March, the ZSE signed a contract for the supply and installation of the Capizar Automated Trading System by Infotech Middle East FZ LLC. Chengetedzai’s failure to complete the migration of shares delayed the process to link the ATS to the CSD, which had been pencilled to be completed by February.
On Monday, Chengetedzai said the dematerialisation of the remaining counters will commence on February 16, adding that trades involving such counters will continue in physical form until February 27.
“Chengetedzayi Depository Company would like to advise the capital market that the remaining issuers (listed companies on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange) who are not on the CSD will be boarded on March 2 2015,” CDC said in a notice on Monday.
“Most listed entities that had missed the December 2014 deadline have since complied with the CSD boarding requirements. The remaining issuers are being engaged to ensure that the necessary resolutions are in place before on boarding.”
The CSD system maintains securities in electronic format in investors’ accounts, allowing their transfer from one party to the other through an automated book entry. It is operating under a custodian model as opposed to the retail model where investors have a direct interface with brokers.
Under the custodian model, investors will have a choice of either going directly through a custodian for the purchase of shares through a broker or through Chengetedzai.

ZANU PF Plots SK Moyo Ouster

ZANU PF spokesman Simon Khaya Moyo faces a fresh threat to his political career after a group of disgruntled Matabeleland South party members reportedly started circulating a petition for his ouster from the central committee.
Moyo had seemingly survived a purge of party members loyal to ousted Vice-President Joice Mujuru, but the latest twist could be a threat to his floundering political career.
Zanu PF’s national political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere on Friday was told of the tension and cheating within Matabeleland South provincial structures, with reports some war veterans wanted Moyo’s election into the central committee reversed.
Baton-wielding cops monitored the meeting that was attended by senior police officers, among them, the officer commanding Matabeleland South, Assistant Commissioner Goodwill Musariri.
Kasukuwere, who is on a countrywide tour of Zanu PF structures and was accompanied by Moyo, warned the party to guard against divisions.
“We lost direction towards congress, but now it is time to take stock,” he said.
“I come with the message of peace, unity and development.”
However, some members of the party said they were not yet ready to forgive those who challenged their nominations to the central committee.
“I understand that you come with a message of peace and unity, but how do we work with those that are challenging our election into the central committee?” Mafesi Ncube of Mangwe district asked.
“The local MP (Obedingwa Mnguni), working with some war veterans, has sent a petition to you challenging the election of Simon Khaya Moyo and myself saying it was unprocedural. How then do we work with such people?”
Mnguni, however, later defended himself saying he had only offered the said war veterans transport and had nothing to do with the petition.
Gwanda senator Alma Mkhwebu said she was shocked at congress to find out that her name had been struck off the list of central committee members and replaced with that of the party’s provincial administrator (PA) Rennie Kibi.
“I campaigned and was elected into the central committee, but when we got to congress the PA’s name was called out,” she said.
“Now l have been suspended for no reason.”
Kasukuwere said Mkhwebu should put her complaint in writing and the matter would be looked into.- SouthernEye

ZANU PF MP Beaten Up By Fellow MP

jab (1)
Jappy Jaboon

STATE MEDIA: There was drama in the Lowveld town of Triangle last Friday when Bikita South National Assembly Member Jappy Jaboon was allegedly assaulted by his Chiredzi West counterpart Darlington Chiwa after the former barred him from attending a meeting between the Zanu-PF Masvingo provincial leadership and sugarcane producer Tongaat Huletts management.
A high-powered delegation comprising senior ruling party officials in Masvingo led by Politburo members Josaya Hungwe and Shuvai Mahofa, Central Committee and provincial executive members, war veterans and traditional leaders was on a tour of the Lowveld to tackle problems affecting the region.
Chiwa allegedly teamed up with war veterans from Chiredzi and manhandled Jaboon, who is the provincial secretary for the Commissariat, accusing him of blocking the Chiredzi West parliamentarian from attending a closed-door meeting.
Sources said Chiwa wanted to force his way into the meeting where he had been barred, arguing that he was supposed to witness proceedings since he was the Member of Parliament for the area.
However, Jaboon allegedly blocked him at the entrance resulting in the Bikita South parliamentarian being assaulted outside the venue.
Jaboon did not sustain visible injuries, but promised to make a report against his Chiredzi West counterpart at the end of the Lowveld tour later in the day.
It could not be established whether Jaboon had reported the alleged assault to Triangle police by yesterday.
When The Herald arrived at Tongaat Huletts offices, the situation was tense with baton-wielding police officers milling around. A few other officers were manning the entrance into the boardroom where the meeting was taking place.
Jaboon accused Chiwa of disrespect after the alleged assault.
“ Chiwa assaulted me with a gang of thugs he hired to come and disrupt our meeting. He should learn to respect fellow party officials instead of trying to impose himself everywhere. I am going to press charges of assault against him,’’ he said.
However, Chiwa denied assaulting Jaboon saying it was shocking that he was barred from attending a meeting to discuss developmental issues in his constituency. Tongaat Huletts sugarcane mills and cane plantations in Triangle falls under Chiredzi West Constituency.
“I never assaulted him ( Jaboon), he is lying. We only argued after he stopped me from attending the meeting. Who is he to stop me from attending a meeting to discuss development in my area?’’ he charged.
“If the provincial leadership has instructions that I am no longer wanted as ZANU-PF Member of Parliament in Chiredzi West, they must tell me, not to block me from attending meetings to discuss developments in my area,’’ added Chiwa.
Acting Masvingo provincial police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Kudakwashe Dhewa said his office had not received a report involving Chiwa and Jaboon in Triangle.
ZANU-PF acting Masvingo provincial chairman Paradzai Chakona condemned the alleged attack on Jaboon saying it showed disrespect for senior party members and traditional leaders who were attending the meeting.
“I encourage Jaboon to go and file a report to police. What happened is totally unacceptable. How can people fight each other over simple issues? It is shameful and must never be repeated,’’ he said. herald

UK Govt Riled By Grace Mugabe

As the First Lady Grace Mugabe illegally offloaded a hundred zebras onto the Manzou farm she grabbed from poor black farmers last week, it has emerged the UK government has become unnerved by her activities.
Last week Grace defied two High Court orders and violently removed small scale farm beneficiaries of the Manzou farm-fields, a move that has led Lawyers for Human Rights to stand in for the victims in an urgent High Court chamber application.
In the latest country analysis, the British government indicated it is highly concerned by Grace Mugabe’s violations beginning with her October threats to shed blood.
“We are particularly concerned by incidents of reported hate speech used by the First Lady Grace Mugabe,” a government announcement read.
It continued, “On 6 October, Grace Mugabe was quoted as saying that she would “spill blood” if anyone attempted to remove her from her Mazowe farm, illegally appropriated from a white commercial farm owner
“We continue to remain concerned by the general lack of respect for the rule of law in Zimbabwe, particularly over property rights and security of land tenure
“Individuals, particularly those with a high profile, remain encouraged to take the law into their own hands
“The UK government remains concerned about politically-inspired violence and harassment, repressive legislation and limited media freedom
“Progress to align legislation with the constitution remains disappointingly slow and limited to less sensitive areas
” We are concerned by the continued use of oppression by police to stop legitimate peaceful protests and to limit freedom of expression.”

ZAPU and Dabengwa wanted to kill me Mnangagwa Ploy Exposed

The First Vice President of Zimbabwe Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa who was recently appointed to the position together with his fellow former CIO friend Mr Phelekezela Mphoko, has claimed that when he was a young boy in Zambia Dabengwa and his compatriots wanted to kill him for allegations of insulting Dr Joshua Nkomo. Mr Mnangagwa has sensationally claimed that the chilling plot was discussed in front of him. What is more telling is how he was rescued from the alleged pending demise. He uses his home boy to rescue him Mr Leopold Takawira. This clearly shows that Mr Mnangagwa’s script is clearly choreographed to achieve a certain goal, but more so it shows his unflinching tribalism which has been the hallmark for his entire political career.
“When you hear Mr Mnangagwa singling out an individual an apportioning blame on that individual you must know that he is plotting to harm that individual or those who support that individual” argued Mr Christopher Maphosa the ZAPU Europe Chairperson.
Mr Maphosa is widely credited for mature leadership whereby he managed to rescue ZAPU from the jaws of infiltrators, moles and CIOs in Europe.  Mr Maphosa is a trained ZPRA soldier; his training was done in Zambia and in Eastern European countries. Mr Maphosa through his revolutionary and exemplary leadership has managed to bring stability and unity in ZAPU Europe and other provinces have been asking him to share his secrets.
Mr Maphosa argues that as much as ZANU PF has entrenched itself through the use of state machinery, however, its modus operandi has remained the same, ‘blame and then subdue’ the blamed has been its favourite operational tactics. Mr Maphosa reminded the people of how ZANU PF started blaming ZAPU in the early 1980s of all of the country’s ills with an aim of subduing ZAPU, he went on to say that the trend continued with Ndabaningi Sithole who was accused of plotting to kill Mugabe; and so was Mr Tswangirayi in the Ben Menash saga.
“For Mnangagwa, basically his accusations against ZAPU and Dabengwa are two fold, first, as has been stated, Mnangagwa has faced an onslaught from academics, ZAPU and other political activists for his direct involvement in the gukurahundi genocide, by blaming ZAPU and Dabengwa he is trying to elicit sympathy from unsuspecting public, he wants to be seen as if he was defending himself not senseless and unprovoked aggression against innocent and unarmed people” explained Mr Maphosa.
“Secondly, by blaming Dabengwa and ZAPU, he is clearly sending a warning to ZAPU and those who support ZAPU that the second genocide is in the offing, however, Mr Mnangagwa this time will not find takers for his antics, the people of Zimbabwe want to deal with the 1980s genocide and they will not allow Mnangagwa to kill in their name again”. Continued Mr Maphosa.
ZANU PF has never faced resistance since its inception, but has always been an aggressor. During the war, ZANLA cadres attacked ZPRA forces, during the demobilisation process in the early 1980s the ZANLA guerrillas attacked ZPRA forces and from 1982 to 1987 ZANU and all its security machinery attacked unarmed ZAPU supporters and those who were perceived to be Ndebeles in an act of ethnic cleansing. ZANU has come to believe in its false invincibility. Everyone knows that ZANU has not been brought to book for all its acts of aggression and this impunity may encourage them to carry other vicious acts of aggression against Dr Dumiso Dabengwa and ZAPU supporters. Once beaten twice shy, they say it is only a fool who will continually turn the other cheek.
Dabengwa and ZAPU this time around should be prepared to fight fire with fire, no more letting ZANU do as it pleases against innocent people.
Written by Thulani Nkala
Released by ZAPU Europe Information Publicity and Marketing Department
[email protected]

Sex for Money Man Robbed of All Blankets

Distraught…Mike Mapfumo

Mike Mapfumo (38), a barber at Chesvingo Business Centre in Masvingo had a rude awakening last Saturday when a commercial sex worker he had hired for the night grabbed all his three blankets and took them away after he failed to pay $10 for conjugal services.
Mapfumo who almost sobbed when he narrated his ordeal to The Mirror said he was now sleeping in his tiny barber shop without a blanket.
He identified the prostitute only as Merjury. Merjury said over the phone that she had impounded the blankets because Mapfumo had been receiving her services since November without paying a cent.
There was a fight between Mapfumo and the commercial sex worker at Chesvingo on Saturday evening that saw hordes of people gathering to witness a free show. The fight ended after Merjury bit deep into Mapfumo’s hand, leaving some marks.
Mapfumo said he could not report the case to the Police because Merjury brags that she has many boyfriends there. Mirror

ZimAsset A Pipe Dream – Economist

Zimbabwe’s five year economic blueprint, ZimAsset, is too ambitious and risks failing to meet its targets because it depends on rapid export growth in a sluggish world economy, a top economist has said.
Tony Hawkins, the University of Zimbabwe Economics lecturer said targets set out in the economic blueprint were impossible to achieve “especially now that there is mounting global evidence that export-led growth is no longer a viable strategy”.
This comes as various economic experts had dubbed the economic blueprint — touted as a panacea to economic problems — as a pie in the sky due to its over ambitious goals.
The blueprint, which borrows from the ruling Zanu PF’s election manifesto and previous national development programmes, identifies four major clusters, namely food security and nutrition, social services and poverty reduction, infrastructure and utilities and value addition and beneficiation.
It comes on the back of a cocktail of economic policies that have dismally failed to breathe life into the country’s economy.
These range from the Economic Structural Adjustment Programme (Esap) to Zimbabwe Programme for Economic and Social Transformation (Zimprest) to the abandoned Medium Term Plan that was supposed to run until next year, among others.
Under ZimAsset, Zimbabwe targets to create 2,2 million jobs, unlock $1,8 trillion in idle mineral reserves and grow the economy by an average seven percent annually.
With the local economy only generating approximately $3,6 billion in annual revenue, Zim Asset was anchored on the mobilisation of $27 billion mostly from the emerging markets, mainly Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa.
However, the Brics countries have indicated that they will not financially support Zimbabwe’s Zim Asset project as the southern African nation is “too rich to beg for financial assistance.”
Hawkins also noted that Zimbabwe’s economy would have to grow by at least 20 percent annually in an effort to treble its formal employment if the country hopes to achieve creating 2,2 million jobs.
“Economies do not grow without investment,” he said adding that since dollarisation in 2009, investment has averaged only 17 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).
“For the economy to grow at the targeted (Zim-Asset) six percent to seven percent rate, investment of at least 30 percent of GDP needed,” said Hawkins.
The respected economist noted that national savings were wiped out by hyperinflation and dollarisation.
“Since 2010 savings have been negative — averaging 11 percent of GDP.
“ So inadequate investment — as well as consumption — is being funded offshore to the tune of 25 percent of GDP each year,” he added.

9 Year Old Schoolgirl Found Dead In A Pool

A school girl who disappeared after she was sent home from school for non payment of US$15 school fees has been found dead. The  girl  Miriam Chabvuma  from Kondo Village in Guruve and was starting Grade Three at Kondo Primary School, was discovered last Sunday in a small pool near her homestead. She had bruises on the head and shoulders, and a cut on her lips.
The young girl’s underwear had been lowered, raising suspicion she was raped and then murdered. According to family spokesperson Mr Letious Karembera, Mariam’s parents started panicking around 6pm on January 14 when their daughter did not return from school. Her classmates informed the parents that Miriam had been sent home before school ended due to non-payment of fees.
“The parents then reported the matter to the police and a missing person docket was opened,” said Mr Karembera.
It is alleged that four days after the girl went missing a herdboy from the area asked neighbours to help him look for the missing girl.
“What is puzzling is that the herdboy led the neighbours to a small pool and instructed them to conduct a search, but the search party failed to locate the body,” said Mr Karembera.
“The suspect repeatedly instructed the neighbours to look carefully into the ditch until they saw the floating body.” The herdboy was taken in for police questioning but released without being charged. Results of a post-mortem could not establish the cause of death because of the advanced state of decomposition of the body.
“It is worrying to note the doctor wrote that the body had decomposed when pictures taken on the day we discovered the body (shown to The Sunday Mail) show the body was still intact,” said Mr Karembera. Acting Mashonaland Central provincial police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Petros Masikati could not be reached for comment as his phone went unanswered.
Last week Deputy Minister of Primary and Secondary Education Prof Paul Mavhima reiterated that no pupil should be sent home for non-payment of fees as access to an education was a constitutional right.
In 2013, Government barred schools from sending pupils away due to non-payment of fees and urged parents to come up with payment plans. -sunday mail

Did Mujuru Really Facilitate Abuse Of Women And Girls?

Zanu-PF Politburo member and war veteran Oppah Muchinguri has exposed former Vice-President Joice Mujuru and ex-minister Didymus Mutasa’s dubious Second Chimurenga heroism claims, alleging the duo never engaged in real combat.
Muchinguri made the damning revelations in an address to party supporters at Vengere Hall in Rusape last week, also alleging that Mujuru was at the forefront of coercing young women to sleep with male combatants.
She also said Mujuru never shot down a helicopter during the Second Chimurenga as was often claimed.
“Let me tell you: we were together during our days in Mozambique; Joice came to the war front accompanied by her husband (before she married General Solomon Mujuru). The man is the one who died during an incursion and then she claimed and lied that she had shot down the helicopter,” said Muchinguri.
“Those who aided in peddling those falsehoods of downing a helicopter were Mr (Webster) Shamu and Mr Mutasa. Their agenda was to prop Mujuru’s war credentials.
“When Joice came back from Zambia, in fact she did not undergo any form of training. A few days after she joined us in Mozambique, Joice physically assaulted me. I,  Duri and  Chitsotso, resisted sleeping with the likes of Mr Mutasa, Mr Bhombandiani; and I was whipped for that. Imagine, Joice was there!
“We want you to understand how other young female soldiers suffered as Joice engineered all these abuses,” said Muchinguri.
The Zanu-PF Politburo member said Mutasa attempted to assassinate her when he was State Security Minister by engineering suspicious road accidents involving her vehicle.
She went on, “The late Edgar Tekere is the one who brought Mutasa who was already in Bishop Abel Muzorewa’s camp. He came to Maputo, he never trained saying he was scared that his wife Getty would be killed. He is not part of our liberation struggle.
“He told Tekere to leave the party so that he would join him to form their own party. Mutasa is the one who betrayed Mr Maurice Nyagumbo and lied to us that he was not a good person and in the end Nyagumbo committed suicide. He is the one who got the late Mr Kumbirai Kangai arrested. His war credentials are soiled.”
Muchinguri said Zanu-PF’s leadership was aware of the havoc wreaked by Mutasa during his tenure in public office.
“He was impregnating women and I have my uncle who has a wife who was impregnated by Mr Mutasa. Didymus boasted to me that he impregnated her. He is a man who has no respect for other men,” she said. -sunday mail

Mash Central Resists Mujuru Expulsion

Zanu PF Mashonaland Central is resisiting attempts to have ousted Joice Mujuru expelled from the party.
Acting provincial chairman Dickson Mafios told The Standard in an interview yesterday that the province would not recommend Mujuru’s ouster from the party although he said they would stand guided by the politburo’s decision.
Mafios said Mujuru had done nothing to deserve the boot ever since she was emasculated during the party’s December congress, which kicked her from the party’s second top post and subsequently the office of VP.
“We haven’t heard her speak anything contrary to the party position so we are only waiting for the politburo position on that one,” Mafios said yesterday.
Mafios said he would give more detail after yesterday’s provincial meeting in Mt Darwin but efforts to contact him later failed up to the time of going to print. His phone was no longer reachable.
The Mujuru camp has however vowed to fight from within the party, an indication they intend to resist expulsions. It is however not clear how they intend to achieve this as expulsion is the prerogative of the politburo from whence they have already been removed.
Expelled former spokesperson of the party Rugare Gumbo yesterday maintained that the Mujuru camp would not form a party but would live to fight for the restoration of order from within the party. 
“We don’t intend to form a party at all. We are fighting from within and Mai [Mrs] Mujuru has said she is not leaving the party, no one will push her out of the party. Mutasa has said he is not going to be pushed out of the party and my views have always been clear on that one,” said the veteran politician yesterday.
Recent developments in the party however point at more expulsions taking place in the party. Upon his arrival from holiday last Thursday, President Robert Mugabe spoke of possible expulsions telling supporters that had gone to welcome him at the airport that he would advise them of any new expulsions that would take place on recommendations. 
Impeccable sources said yesterday that Mujuru’s political foes, led by the so-called “Gang of Four” was working day and night to permanently remove Mujuru from the party’s succession matrix by stripping her of her party membership.
As of now, Mujuru stands a chance of bouncing back through nomination for election in the event that Mugabe resigns or gets incapacitated. Mujuru is believed to command massive following in the party despite her purging, a situation that threatens her enemies in the party.
Chances of her constitutionally landing the presidency in the event of Mugabe being unavailable to lead the country for any reason are believed to be high – making it an urgent necessity by her enemies to make her ineligible for contest.
Professor Jonathan Moyo, who is believed to be a member of the G4, all but revealed at a Sapes debate series last Thursday that he and a fellow member of the group, Saviour Kasukuwere were scheming to floor Mujuru completely. The Information minister said Mujuru would never resurrect.
Referring to a possibility of Mujuru’s resurrection, Moyo said: “I am very sure, we have a very long way before the next election and those of us like the PC [Kasukuwere] here and others are at work and just watch the space and see what that work is going to be.”
Moyo, whose strategy before the congress included roping in Mugabe’s wife Grace to prevail over Mugabe to fire Mujuru, said he would make sure that the former VP would fall, never to rise again.
“Tactically, the Gang of 4 believes Mujuru has chosen not to respond leaving all the work to Mutasa who would fight to get her sacked from the party,” a Zanu PF insider said. 
“They fear that they can’t manage her from within. The plan now is to push her out so that she is ineligible to contest if Mugabe decides to leave or is incapacitated.” 
Several Mujuru loyalists have been purged from the party and more are likely going to be fired as infighting continues in Mugabe’s party, judging from the president’s tone on Thursday – Standard

Where Did $20 000 Donated Towards Zanu PF Congress Go?

ENVIRONMENT, Water and Climate Permanent Secretary Mr Prince Mupazviriwo and suspended Allied Timbers Zimbabwe boss Dr Joseph Kanyekanye are embroiled in a dispute concerning a US$20 000 donation the firm made towards Zanu-PF’s December 2014 National Congress.The money allegedly never reached Zanu-PF.
Dr Kanyekanye accuses the permanent secretary of misappropriating the funds, while Mr Mupazviriwo says the embattled executive should explain what he did with the money.
The ATZ board has suspended Dr Kanyekanye on allegations of corruption, among other issues. Dr Kanyekanye denies the charges.
According to papers submitted on January 16, 2015 to the Labour and Social Services Ministry (Department of Labour Administration) by Dr Kanyekanye’s lawyer Mr Alex Mambosasa, Mr Mupazviriwo allegedly failed to account for the US$20 000 donation.
“I also wish to relate to another recent incident that happened on 26 November 2014, in which again in the presence of a witness, the Permanent Secretary, Mr Mupazviriwo, suggested that donations of US$20 000 released by ATZ for the Zanu-PF Congress be explained as money that went to purchasing dinner tables.
“I listened to him but then immediately wrote a letter confirming the true account of what happened.
“This incident and supporting documents are available from the outgoing (finance director) Caroline Moyo and my (personal assistant) Yollander Chibanda.
‘‘What Permanent Secretary Prince Mupazviriwo asked me to do was falsification of documents. I am curious as to why he wanted me to do this especially when his ministry had written to me indicating that they had not received the US$20 000 donation made by ATZ towards the Zanu-PF Congress,” reads part of the document.
Mr Mambosasa said the ATZ board should launch an independent investigation as to what happened to the money.
Mr Mupazviriwo yesterday denied misappropriating the US$20 000 and said he had documentation proving his innocence.
“Kanyekanye should tell you whom he gave the US$20 000; as a ministry we asked for the donation because we are a shareholder. Documents can be traced to prove what really transpired,” he said. -Sunday Mail

Concentrate On Delivery And Avoid Fighting : Kasukuwere

ZANU-PF national commissar Mr Saviour Kasukuwere yesterday warned the party’s Matabeleland North province to avoid unnecessary and divisive fights.Addressing a Provincial Co-ordinating Committee meeting in Lupane, Mr Kasukuwere said the vindictive attempt late last year to oust senior party members in the run-up to the party’s National People’s Congress should not be repeated.
Mr Kasukuwere said he expected order from a province with the double honour o f having the highest number of Zanu-PF Politburo members and hosting President Mugabe’s 91st Birthday celebrations next month.
Ahead of the December 2014 National People’s Congress, some officials tried to withdraw Mr Jacob Mudenda, Sithembiso Nyoni, Fati Mpofu and Elias Mavule from the Central Committee list.
“Let’s turn a new page in 2015. ‘Let’s respect our members of the Politburo, war veterans, ministers and senators but even us, the elders, let us respect those below us,” the commissar said.
“We should unite and respect each other. We must stop being frivolous. The province must not be a frivolous province which pursues trivial matters…
“I’m saying so because I know this province to be a very stable province. We were very pleased when we heard that in Matabeleland North, there were no problems in provincial and Central Committee but at some point problems started to show.”
Mr Kasukuwere urged the province to concentrate on delivery, and expressed satisfaction that Matabeleland North remained loyal to President Mugabe.
“Let’s continue in that good direction. ‘Don’t get swayed. Don’t sell your souls,” he said.
Mr Kasukuwere said Zanu-PF was stronger after ridding itself of elements who thought they were bigger than the party.
“You have one President, how dare you say I have a province. Whose? Yours? The provinces must belong to the party,” said Mr Kasukuwere.
“Those are President Mugabe’s provinces and should support him. As chairman, you belong to President Mugabe – you are not anyone’s. You are chairman of Zanu-PF under President Mugabe.”
He said provinces were being run by “godfathers” with Dzikamai Mavhaire and Didymus Mutasa controlling chairpersons in Masvingo and Manicaland, respectively.
Mr Kasukuwere called on Matabeleland North to ignore attention-seekers like sacked party secretary for information Rugare Gumbo and Mr Mutasa, who were challenging the legitimacy of the 6th National People’s Congress.
The meeting also learnt from the national youth leadership that preparations for the 21st February Movement celebrations were well on course.  -Sunday Mail

Mutasa Faces Murder, Rape Charges

STATE MEDIA: Zanu-PF Manicaland province has instituted proceedings to have former Presidential Affairs Minister Didymus Mutasa arrested on allegations of murder, corruption, abuse of office, fraud, and sexual abuse of underage girls. Mutasa, once the influential ruling party secretary for administration, is now an ordinary member of Zanu-PF after being linked to the cabal that last year tried to unseat President Mugabe.
Zanu-PF Manicaland province tasked a team led by Zanu-PF secretary for legal affairs Patrick Chinamasa to investigate and prepare a report to be submitted to the police on Mutasa’s alleged illegal activities over the past few years.
It is understood that Mutasa used his official positions to allegedly act with impunity over the years.
Addressing hundreds of party supporters at Vengere Hall in Rusape last Friday, Chinamasa, a lawyer by training, said his team was probing allegations of sexual abuse, corruption and violence.
He said they had so far unearthed evidence showing Mutasa infiltrated the police in Manicaland to ensure all criminal reports made against him died a stillbirth.
Zanu-PF Politburo member Oppah Muchinguri, who attended the meeting, said once the investigations were complete a police report would be made.
“We have cases of sexual abuse, fraud, and abuse of party and Government funds. He (Mutasa) was allocating A2 farms illegally to his girlfriends and relatives,” said Muchinguri.
“ Chinamasa, who is a legal expert, is heading a special task force that is now finalising its findings on these allegations that has been brought to our attention by the people.
“It is said he was abusing underage girls from the local secondary schools. Police reports were made on these cases and from our findings we have noted that the dockets have disappeared.
“He was so powerful and investigating officers would be transferred from local police stations if they attempted to look into reports made against him.
“He was operating as a mafia boss and people were beaten up around the Makoni area. We understand that his lieutenants are said to have killed a man and the body was later found in a dam at his farm. He is said to be the one who ordered the kill.
“He would adopt young girls and end up sleeping with them, and as we speak one of the girls (name withheld) has sired a child with him. We are also going to look at all the farms he distributed to his lovers and whites.”
Manicaland Provincial Affairs Minister Mandi Chimene said her office, together with other departments, had since repossessed 12 farms Mutasa had illegally allocated to white farmers.
“He was protecting a clique of white farmers around the Headlands area who were staying on gazetted farms. We have since retaken them for proper distribution.
“Mutasa with the aid of his bodyguards who operated under the party’s youth group dubbed Simudza Makoni physically assaulted party members. We have Chitura who was beaten by these thugs; she almost died.
“We have since established that he is collecting US$8 500 monthly from party properties. The money is being collected by one Mandi Majoni, his alleged girlfriend.”
According to information gathered by The Sunday Mail, illegal land allocations to his lovers and friends by Mutasa are said to have begun in 2005 when was appointed Minister of State for National Security, Lands, Land Reform and Resettlement in the President’s Office.
Chinamasa said the Manicaland Province executive was expecting the next Politburo meeting to endorse their call to have Mutasa fired from the ruling party.
“He committed a series of offences. He is probably sick, he still claims to be the secretary for administration. We noted that in his statement published in the private media that our congress was illegal.
“Mutasa further says that we are corrupt and have a record of being a violent party. It is shocking he is the one who has blood on his hands. People in Makoni know who the father of violence is. He is the one butchered people here who soiled the party’s name through his gang Simudza Makoni.
“He is undermining the authority of President Mugabe and we will not sit and watch him continue with his behavior,” he said.
Mutasa’s mobile phone went unanswered when The Sunday Mail sought his comment yesterday. sunday mail

Thomas Mapfumo: Let’s Use the Black History Month to Help Restore African Dignity

The Black History Month kicks off this coming February in the USA. Among the notable black community members in American History, are figures like William Du Bois, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King (Jr), Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, President Obama and various other men and women who have fought hard for the civil rights movement to spark fire and re-establish the rights of the Black people in America.

Alive, well and kicking...Thomas Mapfumo
Let’s Not Forget Who We Are…Thomas Mapfumo

While this month is celebrated in the USA, the history of Black America cannot be complete without a mention of Africa where their ancestry had roots. As the cradle of mankind, Africa was the home of all black folks that wound up in the Diaspora due to some selfish and inconsiderate policies of that era. Related policies (now under a free Africa) would, centuries later, trigger another Diaspora movement as people would be driven out of Africa because of bad conditions. A search for freedom, peace, livelihood and better healthcare would see many Africans becoming refugees making some not even want to return home. Most of our African leaders today are trapped in dangerous pursuit of power and self-enrichment. They forget their duties and their people because they want to rule and amass wealth.
Many African people live in poverty. Many have no jobs or decent housing. Many have no food, clean water or good healthcare. In their midst, Africans see lots of potential and yet their leaders simply see the potential of their immediate families and cronies on how they can deepen their power grip and expand their wealth empires. Most resources in Africa continue to be exported and the profits are kept outside the country as the ordinary people at home continue to suffer. Besides people complaining and protesting about the need for leaders to see the problems affecting the ordinary person, our African leaders look the other way.
Before the world, our leadership continues to lose trust and respect because they do not care about the welfare of their people. In response to calls for jobs, food and good infrastructure, normally leaders have used force to suppress street protests. That has brought more problems to Africa. Even African regional organizations like ECOWAS, Africa Union or SADC are now seen as ineffective or mere talking shops because they do not help Africa in any meaningful way since they mainly appear like an old boys’ club. It is hard to see any tangible problem resolved by these organizations for the benefit of the ordinary person. People continue to suffer through disease, violence, tribal wars, genocide issues, poverty, and resource exploitation by foreign companies that also cause environmental degradation leading to endless famines. Besides abundant resources like oil, ground minerals and great tourist destinations, poor leadership in Africa has remained a big challenge in converting that potential into real life benefit for Black Africa.
The biggest issue is that the African leader remains not interested in improving the conditions at home. For any sickness, instead of re-building home hospitals, the African leader prefers to fly into Europe or America for  better treatment. That has compromised the respect for the African leader before the global community. 
As Africans, we demand exemplary leadership that presses for the dignity of the African black person. We demand democracy. At times, the world over takes Africans for granted because our leaders live in high towers where they feast away from the suffering people. The Black History Month in America should open eyes for anyone with African roots to help restore our dignity. Let us be proud of who we are. Let us have better leadership and be focused. The month of February must also ring bells to the Motherland. Our leaders must put us people first and act responsibly. As Africans, we must unite and demand democracy as we also fight poverty, ignorance, power hunger and heavy-handedness. People deserve better lives at all times. Last of all, we must have dignity. If we can’t respect ourselves, no one else in this world will.

Council Resumes Eviction of Residents

gwandaaaaThe Municipality of Gwanda has resumed eviction of some residents from the Old Jahunda Township council rented houses.
A number of tenants in the town’s oldest township have been served with eviction notices to leave the house by the 5th of March 2015. The notices sent to tenants by council indicate that council passed a resolution HH1531 on the 27th of November 2014 to evict the said “defaulting tenants” from the council houses.
According to the minutes council resolved to evict all tenants who were not complying to the regulations of the lease agreement the tenants entered into with council on occupation of the houses. Most of those affected by the evictions are tenants who have sublet the councils houses against the terms of the lease that prohibit subletting the premises.
Asked for details on how the people to be evicted from the houses were decided, a council employee at the housing department who would not be named said that most of the people being “evicted” from the houses are people who are no longer living in the houses and have let out the houses to other people. According to the council official, council requested the lease holding tenants to report to the offices to renew their leases and all those who failed to turn up in person have been issued with eviction notices as they have failed to renew their lease agreements.
Some of the residents who have been served with notices however dispute the council statement saying that they never received notices calling them to renew their lease agreements. Some claim that they received the notices to renew their lease but there was no deadline when to do so and were out of town at the time the papers were served.
On investigation, established that indeed some of the occupants in the houses were not the lease holders. Some occupants claimed to be descendants of the original lease holders who signed the lease agreements some thirty years ago. The lease holders were either now deceased or living in rural areas coming to town regularly.
Asked on what they will do in the wake of the eviction notices the occupants said that they will not move out of the houses unless Council has alternative accommodation for them. The occupants claim to have reported the matter to the Gwanda Residents Association which has promised to meet them soon to map a way forward.
Asked for a comment, the spokesperson of the Residents Association Mr Bekezela Maduma Fuzwayo confirmed receiving complaints from the residents about the evictions. He however would not be drawn to comment further saying that the Association is waiting for report from the ward committee and the outcome of the meeting between the affected residents and the committee. Fuzwayo also confirmed knowledge of council notices asking residents to visit the council offices to regularise their lease agreements. He expressed disappointment that some of the tenants did not respond to the call.
“This matter is not a new development, it started last year and we held meetings with council and residents asking the matter to be reconsidered and done more transparently. Council agreed to defer it on condition that residents visited the council offices to regularise their leases. We expected all affected residents to take advantage of that amnesty but if some didn’t then it makes it difficult for us. We will tackle the matter when all the information is made available to us and make sure that those who are not meant to leave the houses are not evicted,” said Fuzwayo.
“We will do our best to advocate for the residents especially those who are occupying the houses as children of the original lease holders as some of them were born and grew up living in those houses,” added Fuzwayo.

Zim Govt To Blow Up U.S.$1 Million for Grace’s Animal Farm

As part of security measures to make it suitable for habitation by the “big five” animals, the cash-strapped Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority would have to fork out at least US$1 million to fence Manzou Estate in Mazowe, where First Lady Grace Mugabe is setting up a private wildlife sanctuary.
This comes after Environment, Water and Climate minister Saviour Kasukuwere last week said that the National Parks had taken control of Manzou farm, formerly known as Arnold Farm, and would soon be translocating the “big five” animals from other sanctuaries to Mugabe’s private game park.
Kasukuwere said the authority would soon be bringing the big five (elephants, lions, rhinos, leopards and buffaloes) to Manzou, despite a High Court order stopping the evictions of more than 200 families in the area.
Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force (ZCTF) chairperson Johnny Rodrigues this week said the big five needed high security fencing, which would cost at least US$1 million per 2 000 hectares.
Manzou farm, where 200 families were evicted to make way for the private game park, is estimated to cover over 1 800 hectares.
Rodrigues said two layers of fence would be required for the area to accommodate the big five.
This would put a further strain on the parks authority, which was allocated US$4 539 450 in the 2015 budget.
“Double fencing is needed for such dangerous animals and there has to be three metres in between the fences, with the other being electrified,” he said.
“What I can tell you is it’s very expensive to acquire the fence as it is not ordinary fencing; about 16 lines of wire would be needed from top to bottom although it is still possible for the big five to tear the fence,” Rodrigues said, adding that this would pose a great danger to villagers in the surrounding area.
He questioned where National Parks would get funding to undertake such a huge operation as they are already struggling.
“It doesn’t make sense that National Parks has been failing to pay workers but they want to fence a private wildlife sanctuary; where are they going to get the money from?”
In addition to the financial crunch, the authority faces transport, fuel and staffing problems. Contacted for comment, National Parks spokesperson Caroline Washaya-Moyo asked for questions to be e-mailed to her, but had not responded by the time of going to print.
Rodrigues said Manzou farm is not fit for the big five as Mazowe is highly populated by people meaning such animals could pose serious danger to humans.
“Government should consult ecologists to get advice on which animals are fit for such a place. Animals such as impala, kudu and zebra would be more suitable as they are less harmful.”
One of the villagers facing eviction at Manzou farm, Aspinas Makufa said they have been living in the open and life is more difficult due to the incessant rains.
Makufa also said National Parks had on Tuesday brought zebras which have been destroying their crops.
“The National Parks brought zebras on Tuesday and they have been destroying our crops and even if we are not evicted, we would not harvest anything,” said Makufa.
On Tuesday, police joined the National Parks team which has been camped at the farm since last week. The police, like the parks authority officers, pitched tents close to where the villagers are staying in plastic shacks.
“Takangoona mapurisa auya musi weTuesday and vakaisa matents avo (police came on Tuesday and pitched their tents). Hapana zvavarikutaura, takangotarisana navo (They are not saying or doing much),” said Makufa.
Police demolished properties at Manzou a fortnight ago despite a court order last year. The demolitions only stopped last week on Monday after the High Court granted a provisional order barring the evictions as directed by last year’s court order. – The Independent

My Girlfriend Prefers Pastor’s Big Manhood

The congregation who attend Pastor Sithembiso Zondo’s church are shocked and tounge tight after a video of their pastor filmed naked has gone viral on social media. Pastor Zondo is  well known for his motivational talks on Ukhozi FM’s Breakfast Show on Tuesdays in South Africa.
Witnesses claim that in the video the pastor with no clothes on is seen walking up and down waving his hand around, touching himself casually.
At the bottom of the video the legs of a woman in pink clothing appears.
A close friend of the pastor has said Zondo is on a 21-day fasting prayer session about the issue,while other sources also claim that the pastor’s wife has already left the house.
Sometime  last year, Zondo held relationship seminars where he shared on what to do and what not to do for a successful relationship.
At the moment some people have lost faith in one of the most popular pastors in the country,while others have expressed their views about him on twitter and on Facebook either feeling sorry for him or laughing at him.
Zwakele Mncwango,who is the DA leader in e Thekwini expressed his opinion on Facebook.
“I lived with Pastor Zondo in the same flat for eight years, he is a strong person and will get over this. All I can say is shame on a woman who goes all out to destroy a man.” he commented.
“In the old days when families were faced with misunderstandings, they went to pastors,but these days pastors are the ones who break people’s families. There is no one left to trust and I for one have totally lost trust in these people.”  said Alfred Dai 74, from Johannesburg.
How ever it does not look that bad for the pastor,because some women have gone on social media to praise his manhood.
Some women have  even phoned Daily Sun pleading for the pastor’s contact number.
A man who didn’t want to be named approached  the Daily Sun office after his girlfriend threatened to leave him.
“We were having a conversation and she started telling me about how big Zondo’s manhood is. She has gone on to tell me that she woud dump me for the pastor’s manhood anytime.” he claimed.
The man said now he feels threatened and went on to express his wishes about the this video which has has made many woman want to see or have the pastor’s manhood.
“I wish this video could be taken off social media and everyone who has it must delete it. If it wasn’t for this leaked video, my girlfriend wouldn’t have seen pastor Sithembiso’s huge 4-5 inch manhood”.  he said.

Magaya Warned By ZANU PF: ” You’re Treading On Dangerous Ground!”

ZANU PF youths have warned Prophetic Healing and Deliverance (PHD) Ministries leader Walter Magaya against attacking apostolic sect members, some of whom have publicly declared their allegiance to President Robert Mugabe and have religiously attended all major party events in their thousands.
Speaking after Mugabe’s address to hundreds of party supporters gathered to welcome him at Harare International Airport on Thursday, Zanu PF Harare provincial youth chairman Godwin Gomwe warned Magaya not to “tread on dangerous ground” by attacking the sect members.
This came after Magaya, in his booklet titled Marine Spirits, Mweya Yemumvura: Teaching by Prophet W Magaya, claimed that members of the apostolic sect derived their doctrine from spirits that reside in the marine kingdom and that they do not believe in the Bible.
“It is from these Orion and Leviathan spirits of the marine kingdom where false, non-Bible believing white garment churches (mapositori ekumasowe) are derived,” Magaya wrote.
“It is also unfortunate that many people have been deceived to follow or visit these kinds of shrines (masowe) in an effort to go over their problems, yet to no avail.
“Many people who have visited these non-Bible believing churches have had their problems worsened, while others have been permanently hooked to them after receiving various continuous serious threats including death (zviga zverufu netsaona), thereby becoming members,” he added.
Gomwe described the narrative in the book as a direct
attack on “Zanu PF’s all-weather friends”.
“You heard President Mugabe say ‘Pamberi neMapostori edu? They made us win elections by their continued support of the party. Magaya blasts them even on the podium. His church is not special. His church is not perfect and he should leave Vapostori alone,” Gomwe said.
“We are not happy with what he said and we are warning him as a party to stop attacking Vapostori.”
Magaya’s controversial remarks have already drawn a sharp rebuke from the Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe — which represents at least 700 Apostolic Christian churches in the country.
Magaya could not be reached for comment yesterday.- Newsday

Robert Mugabe Resigning On Monday? |OPINION

opinion_angry1 - CopyAll is now set and Robert Mugabe will be resigning anytime soon either with his eversharp ballpoint-pen or with his foul-pointed breath, his life. What will now happen from henceforth, glory or gory? This short piece seeks to explore the cause and effect of Robert Mugabe’s imminent exit which could be even this coming beautiful Monday as has been reported in some quarters.
We have a 90 year old leader who has in place a government and cabinet with legitimacy issues because we are the enablers.
Mugabe done us a big favour
Ironically due to the sorry mess in which we find ourselves economically, politically and socially, the man may in fact have done us a favour
We are now forced to find those values that sustained us through the liberation war and saw us win independence.
Listening to panelists on Zimnet Radio last night it was heartening to see the gap closing between supporters of different political parties. People reaching out across political floors and apologizing to each other and going further to give each other encouragement and saying: finally I get you, or Zanu PF supporters appealing for a good game from MDC, telling them to beef up on strategy while MDC sells its ability to implement programs.
On the other hand then people are saying we need each other even though we have different political homes but we are Zimbabweans after all.
At this time people are saying we need a good ruling party and we need a strong opposition; MDC getting advice to rid themselves of MT to remain relevant.
Five years ago that would have been hard to imagine. So had Mugabe dropped dead today and not his peer, he would have been a blessing and a curse to Zimbabwe and unwittingly the best blessing for Zimbabwe. His politics of a strongman sustained by patronage and his recent efforts of creating a dictatorial dynasty may have inadvertently spurred genuine nation formation. What an irony, for a man who perfected the colonialists art of divide and rule.
His successor will have to contend with a united Zimbabwe standing up against all the ills of what the Mugabe regime has been about.
Prophet Mugabe
So when the old lad shouted: pasi ne Zanu PF in December 2014 his words may have been prophetic.
Whether Mugabe drops dead today or lives another decade either way Zimbabwe stands to benefit from his positive as from his negative input into Zimbabwean politics. Unwittingly he has sown the seeds for the formation of a New Zimbabwe whose patriots have awoken from 35 years of slumber.
Divide and rule, patronage and fear factor turned Zimbabweans into cowards but this has come to an end.
With or without Mugabe Zimbabwe is facing a new dawn all thanks to His Excellency. The nation has every reason to celebrate another birthday for him just around the corner: A milestone both for him and for the New Zimbabwe: a nation state in re-birth.
As the Saudis mourn their dead leader Abdullah, let us  celebrate our living leader! ”Pasi neZanu PF,” Aiwa pamberi!!!

Jonathan Moyo: I Never Said the Best Way to Destroy ZANU PF Is From Within

INFORMATION, Media and Broadcasting Services Minister Professor Jonathan Moyo has communicated a bold denial that he once vocalised that the best way to destroy Zanu-PF was from within.
Moyo told journalists yesterday that he actually stated the opposite, which is that the best way to reform ZANU PF is from within.
He hurled bitter insults at journalists saying his statement on reforming the revolutionary party had been taken out of context by “uneducated media minds”.
Moyo, who is also Zanu-PF Secretary for Science and Technology, said this while officiating at the Zimbabwe National Editors’ Forum annual general meeting held in Harare, as he challenged the journalists present to go into the archives to see if he ever uttered such a statement.
“It will be absolutely nonsensical for a person like me to say the best way of destroying Zanu-PF is from within,” he said.

Chasi Scared of Assisting Displaced Villagers

Mazowe South legislator Fortune Chasi has demonstrated he dreads helping members of his constituency who have been illegally displaced by President Robert Mugabe’s wife, Grace.
Speaking to, Chasi said ‘I feel’ for the over 150 families who were displaced by the police from Arnold Farm which falls under his constituency to accommodate wild animals but said he could not help the situation because ‘it is before the courts’.
This came as Mrs Mugabe defying two High Court orders offloaded 100 zebras onto the agricultural farmland.
The former Justice Deputy Minister was fired by President Robert Mugabe after he clashed with his Grace over land in the constituency.
“I have never been there since they were displaced, but I can feel pity for them .I can imagine how they are coping especially in this chilly weather,” Chasi told
He continued,
“Even if I go there I will find no one to address and also because the case is before the court. I think you appreciate that there were court orders and it is my feeling that the courts deal with the case, and if I get involved I will be interfering with the courts, ” he timidly replied.
The villagers who are being represented by Tonderai Bharasara of the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights are now living in makeshift houses constructed using plastics after their 14 year old houses were demolished with neither notice nor protocol.
Government last week claimed it was going to find some alternative land for the villagers, but Chasi said he was not aware of such developments.
“I do not know what the plans are at the moment and I am not even aware of what is going to happen to them”, he said.
The villagers last week said officials from the National Parks and Wild Life management authority visited the farm and advised them that they were going to drive in some wild animals. This is despite the existence of two court orders interdicting government from evicting the villagers.
The Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights has vowed to continue defending the villagers.

Girl Raped, and Strangled to Death

A 15-year-old pupil at Fatima Mission High School was raped and strangled by an unknown assailant who broke into the school on Wednesday night, Radio Dialogue has learnt.
ZRP national police spokesperson Chief Superintendent Paul Nyathi confirmed the incident and referred further inquiries to Matabeleland North police who are handling the case.
The police said they have since deployed police with sniffer dogs at the scene to carry out investigations.
“The police are busy with sniffer dogs on the scene trying to sniff out the suspect who allegedly raped and killed the 15-year-old girl,” said the police.
However, the police said they will give a full official comment after gathering more facts of what transpired, adding that the body of the deceased pupil has been taken to United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH) for postmortem.
Sources at the school say on Wednesday, a suspected rapist cum murderer tripped power at one of the staff quarters where the Form 1 pupil was staying with a relative.
“This happened at about midnight. The rapist got into the house after having tripped power and raped the girl before strangling her to death,” said the official, who declined to be named.
He said the suspect then went into the next room with the intention of raping another girl who was sleeping there.
“As he tried to rape the girl, she managed to scream thereby alerting everyone in the house who woke up to assist the screaming girl. That’s when they discovered that he had raped and killed one of the girls,” said the official.
He said by the time people woke up, the suspect had run away.
“It is still a mystery even up to today. We don’t know how the rapist managed to get into the house,” said the official.
The school’s senior master, Gladness Ndlovu could not shed more light on the matter, referring all questions to the headmaster who was not immediately available for a comment.

Zambia Presidential Elections: Mugabe’s Lungu Wins

Robert Mugabe aligned and Patriotic Front candidate Edgar Lungu has scooped the Presidential elections in a tightly contested victory that is heavily credited to the involvement of Former President Rupiah Banda.
According to final results exclusively seen by Zambia Reports in Lusaka this evening, Lungu has polled 801,342 votes representing 51 percent of the total votes cast while his closest rival Hakainde Hichilema has polled 762861 votes representing 49 percent.
This means that Edgar Lungu has won by 38481 votes. Meanwhile, State Security Agents have moved in to surround Lungu’s residence as per custom.
Earlier today, the anxiety over the delayed election results surfaced again with one of the top contenders Hakainde Hichilema trekking to the results centre to meet the Electoral Commission of Zambia who are now set to announce the final results in an hour.
Addressing journalists after his meeting with the ECZ in the morning, Hichilema said the ECZ should not declare anyone winner until all the outstanding issues raised in the meeting are addressed.
He said that there were key issues raised in the tripartite meeting that UPND, PF and the ECZ come to the table to iron out certain grievances over the contentious process.
“There were issues; there were factors, developments that if not attended to may have affected the credibility of this election. What we have done was to instigate the meeting,” he said.
“The PF had come to the meeting; we have no problem with that. We have agreed the menu of actions involving ECZ, UPND and PF and anyone else who may be interested such that when those matters are resolved the result will be respected.”
He said the immediate grievances related to results should be dealt with immediately.
“Before this process is through there will be no continuing of announcing results that is what we have achieved today,” he said.
“There should be no winner until the full process has had the integrity of the results.”
The election is tightly contested with PF’s Edgar Lungu poised to carry the day based on expert projections from the remaining constituencies. – Zambia Reports

Dairiboard Imports A Thousand Heifers To Boost Milk Production

Dairibord HoldingsDairibord imports 1,000 heifers to plug milk shortages Zimbabwe says it has imported over 1 000 heifers to boost milk production in the country after the national herd was decimated by disease outbreaks and farm upheavals following the government’s land redistribution programme.
Government statistics show that the national dairy herd, which reached a peak of 122,000 cows in 1990, had declined to about 60,000 by 2001 and 22,000 by 2011, leaving Zimbabwe to import milk to augment dwindling local supplies.
Dairibord corporate communications manager Imelda Shoko told The Source that the milk processor was engaged in various activities to plug milk shortages in Zimbabwe.
“At the company level, Dairibord is the pioneer in importing heifers for onward lending to farmers in an effort to boost the raw milk available,” Shoko said.
“Since inception of this initiative, in 2012, close to 1000 heifers have been imported and distributed to small scale, medium scale and large scale dairy farmers across the country. The company is already benefitting from this initiative.”
Industry statistics show that local raw milk production is 4,5 million litres per month against estimated national demand of slightly over 8 million litres per month.
The widening gap has witnessed regional countries exporting milk into Zimbabwe at relatively cheaper prices – a situation that has seriously undermined the viability of local milk producing companies that are facing high production costs.
Shoko noted that Dairibord also imports milk powders that are used in manufacturing processes to augment the locally produced raw milk.
“While individual processors have been implementing mitigatory measures such as importing heifers to boost raw milk production and importing milk powders for reconstitution, government needs to lead in terms of putting in place programmes that will ensure adequate raw milk production in order to eliminate the need for imports of finished milk products,” she said.
The African Development Bank (AfDB) in its monthly economic review for Zimbabwe recently said the influx of milk imports has undermined the growth of the dairy sector.
“Dairy farmers can embark on a number of strategies to improve milk productivity which is currently around 10 litres per cow per day against the peak of 25 litres per cow in the mid-1990s.
“These strategies include herd/breed improvement programmes, farmer cooperation in input acquisition and marketing which can reduce costs of production and increase productivity,” noted the regional banking group.-The Source

ZSE Proposes $250,000 Threshold Alternative Market

The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange has proposed to set $250,000 as the minimum share capital for companies intending to list on the country’s planned secondary bourse, but analysts predict that most companies listed on the main bourse will be reluctant to downgrade to the alternative market.
The ZSE on Friday released draft listing rules for the alternative market to be known as the Zimbabwe Emerging Enterprising Market (ZEEM).
“The applicant must have share capital of at least $250 000 (including reserves but excluding minority interests, and revaluations of assets and intangible assets that are not supported by a valuation by an independent professional expert acceptable to the ZSE prepared within the last six months),” read the ZEEM listing requirements in part.
“The public shall hold a minimum of 26 percent of each class of equity securities and the number of public shareholders shall be at least 50.”
ZEEM, according to the listing rules, is a market for small to medium companies with growth potential and applicants that meet the criteria for listing on the Main Board will not ordinarily be granted a listing on ZEEM.
Lynton-Edwards research analyst Kudzi Sharara said companies listed on the main bourse will only be enticed to downgrade to ZEEM if they make huge compliance savings.
“I think it would have been good to see some companies on the main bourse migrating to the ZEEM but I think the capital requirements of $250,000 is too little (the gap between that and the market caps for most counters is too big),” Sharara said.
Other analysts said while the setting up of ZEEM would improve the depth of the capital markets and provide a capital-raising platform for SMEs, companies listed on the new exchange still face an uphill task to raise funds in a tight market.
About 15 firms have been deregistered from the ZSE since 2012.
Three of the firms delisted through schemes of arrangement while the other three voluntarily left the ZSE.-The Source

Mujuru Seat Primaries Set For Sunday

Zanu PF will hold primary elections in Mt Darwin West constituency on Sunday the 25th January 2015 in preparation for the March 27 by-election.
In a statement, Zanu PF National Political Commissar, Saviour Kasukuwere said all polling stations will open at 7am and will close at 7pm.
He, however, said voters who will have arrived at the station before closing time and are still awaiting their turn to vote will be allowed to vote.
“Cell/Village membership registers approved by the province are to be used as the voters roll and only those members appearing on the voters roll, having proof of their National Identity Cards and are known by fellow party members, are to vote,” he said.
There are 46 polling stations in the constituency and 11 teams, each comprising of members of the Central Committee, National Consultative Assembly, and Provincial leadership, War Veterans, ZEPPDRA and War Collaborators will be drawn from each Administrative District of Mashonaland Central Province to constitute the core of the Presiding and Polling officers who will be deployed at Ward Command Centres and Polling stations.
The returning and deputy returning officers are Prisca Mupfumira and Edna Madzongwe respectively.
Once voting is complete, counting shall immediately commence and presiding officers shall, after first forwarding results to the party headquarters, announce results at the Polling Station.
In terms of the constitution, the seat became vacant after the elevation of ousted former Vice President Joice Mujuru. – State Media

A Level Results: Full Names of Those Who Passed

The wait is over for candidates who sat for Advanced Level exams last year and 82, 61 percent of them reserve the right to celebrate after passing two or more subjects with an “E” grade or better.

As a way of celebrating the passes in this issue, calls on news readers to submit the full names of those who have passed. (Please type the person’s name in the comments section below)

Meanwhile the Zimbabwe School Examination Council (ZIMSEC) said Thursday out of 30, 614 examinees, 25, 291 had passed.
This slightly increased the ZIMSEC “A” Level pass rate from 81,6 in 2013 to 82,6 percent last year.
ZIMSEC director, Esau Nhandara, said in a statement that of the 7,324 private candidates who set for the same exams, 4,217 of them had passed. (VOA/ZimEye)

Oppah Muchinguri Now Called “Amai Pastor Kashiri”

Zanu-PF Politburo member and Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Oppah Muchinguri, is now officially married to a Pentecostal clergyman – Bishop Anthony Kashiri. With that new matrimonial status she will assume a new title, “Mai Mufundisi”. The two are believed to have been love-birds for some time but did all they could to put the relationship under wraps to avoid unnecessary publicity.
Muchinguri paraded her new-found love around in public last Thursday at Mutare Polytechnic during the provincial co-ordination committee meeting and Headlands Hall where thousands of Zanu-PF supporters from Headlands constituency had converged to petition the party leadership to expel their representative in the National Assembly, Didymus Mutasa, from the party and august House.
She confirmed Bishop Kashiri as the apple of her eye. “Where is he? My better half, where are you? Oh, there he is!  This is my husband, and we are happily married,” said Muchinguri, to some wild ululations and whistling from the jubilant crowd. “I am now Amai Kashiri,” she added. “You continue to refer to me as Amai Muchinguri because probably you did not know that I am now married. “I am now Amai Kashiri,” she said with a radiant smile.
The lovebirds posed briefly for a photo-shoot from journalists. “We have all along been keeping a low profile as we tried to avoid paparazzi.” she said referring to journalists’ snoopy appetite for titillating news.
Reliable sources maintain that a big wedding was on the cards soon for the Cabinet minister after a recent  conclusion of customary proceedings between the two families. Bishop Kashiri has been in the USA for years and is believed to have had his own family as well. Muchinguri was previously married to Botswana-based trader Mr Tapiwa Rushesha and their marriage ended in the late 1990s. She opted to drop her marital last name as she switched back to her maiden name, Muchinguri.

Mugabe-Old Ruler Drops Dead at 90

President Robert Mugabe’s age-mate, the ruler of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah, has died. He was 90 years old, exactly the same as Mugabe, the latter who has in the past repeatedly compared himself with Abdullah and the UK’s Queen Elizabeth defending his long 35 year reign.

By David Hwangwa
The world’s oldest ruler, the King of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, dropped dead aged 91 after suffering from a bout of pneumonia. The monarch, who was at the helm since ascending to the throne at the death of his half-brother in 2005, led the Islamic state, a key ally of the US, having to balance between keeping the world’s biggest oil-producing country against a backdrop of increased terror attacks from Islamist terror groups and ISIS.
His death leaves only Zimbabwe’s president as the only other president aged 90, who is also facing a similar condition of deteriorating health with suspected cancer ailments. Condolences from world leaders continued to pour for the fallen leader, under whose leadership major reforms occurred in the often strict Muslim country. Notable amongst his reforms was his efforts at relaxing the often strict rules against women, allowing them to compete at the Olympics for the first time as well as voting for the first time.
Despite his attempts at reforms, King Abdullah was rated as one of the worst dictators in the world. Saudi Arabia is one of the most strictest states in the world, practicing the strict Sharia law where it is mandatory to amputate hands for theft. Women’s rights are limited to the most extreme. Freedom of expression, religion and basic human rights are at most suppressed in Saudi Arabia. He was seen as worse than Mugabe and was in 2003 voted as the world’s second worst dictator in the world.
King Abdullah was buried at an unmarked burial site on Friday according to muslim culture. He is succeeded by his half brother, Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, who has vowed to continue King Abdullah’s legacy and bring more reforms to the home of Islam. Despite his death, Saudi Arabia is set to continue with the same governance with the new king promising to continue his predecessor’s legacy, giving birth to yet another world dictator